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My 1 Year Anniversary of Full Time Day Trading. 3 Years In The Business. What I Wish I Could Tell Myself Years Ago.

This industry has a lack of transparency so I'm more than happy to say I will provide lots of that throughout this post with screenshots. There are LOTS of imgur links to back what I say so it's not just words on a post expecting you to just believe what I'm typing.
This post I suppose is "Part 2" my post back in April, "After 2 years of Daytrading. 7 months full time. Here's my advice". I'm doing this to update everyone who came/comes across this in the future. Yes, it is possible. No, it won't be easy. You will pay homage to the rite of passage into this career. I'll also provide some examples of styles of trading so for the newer aspiring traders, there will be some things I rarely see discussed on forums. So here's to 1 year of Full Time Day Trading

TL;DR - You'll become desensitized to trading. Stubborn to other strategies (There are biggebaddemore lucrative strategies. Don't chase them. Why fix what's not broken? I know what works for me and I'm content with it. No strategy is better than another. It's a personal choice. ). Losing individual trades won't faze you, they're inevitable. Profiting certainly feels better. After a while, you won't be as enthralled to trade every morning, it'll become just another part of your day). Trading is just managing your money through a statistic and the medium to execute it is trading on your platform. Think: "If. Then. Because". Your trading plan should be that black and white. Ask "Why" for everything you do and use. If you can't answer it with documented results, drop it.

I get a bunch of messages all the time from people asking - . Out of those who follow me and chat me seeking further tips through my previous posts. I'll be answering the FAQ's and addressing things I see frequently in this sub as far as trading axioms
Disclaimer: I won't sugarcoat anything. I'll share my experiences and add pieces of advice I'd give to those who are currently experiencing the same thing becoming a full time day trader and what day to day life is like, the occasional distress, (DRAWDOWNS). Some of you follow my Twitter for the past few months where I post my daily watchlists with a snippet that reveals my DayTradingBuyingPower. I do this not to brag but to demonstrate that the account does yield growth, I pay myself, and there are days where the balance does not move because there was no edge. I also do this since nobody else shows their account performance. (Yes. You, Mr. YouTube gurus and wannabe gurus).
We do this for income, the numbers on our accounts are real. Treat it as such. Get your initial capital out of your account THEN try to "Scale your account" with your profits AKA The Market's Money.

I'll go over:
•FAQ's that I get in my inbox (I'm still welcome to further questions if I don't answer here)
•Decision Fatigue (You will experience this)
•The previous year (2019-2020) of ups and downs
•How to use my watchlists that I post on Twitter in the morning to your advantage
•The pivotal moment that changed my trading career (NFLX 10-17-19)
•The road to becoming a full time trader. (It won't be fun unless you're handed the money)
•You'll have a better grasp of my strategy (Between ProTip 4 and 5. ProTip 8.)

There are 10 "ProTips" throughout the post that I wish I could tell myself years back and I'll periodically throw them in here as the post goes on. I make posts long in order to segregate those serious about this business and those who will just become another statistic in the failure rate of this business.

At the end of this post, I'll go over the frequent questions I receive such as: (Answers to FAQ at bottom of post.)
  1. "How do you prepare for a trading day?"
  2. "What would you go back to tell yourself?"
  3. "Books?" (The most abused question, but I get it. I could start a public library with just trading books I bought over the years)
  4. "What is your background?"
  5. "What is a normal day for you?"
  6. "How did you discover your strategy?"
  7. "What did you do/How did you get started?"
  8. "What is your % return?" (Not a fun question since a trading account is not an index or investment account. Intraday traders do not measure performance in %. Most are measured in "R".)
  9. "Is enough to start trading?"
  10. "Why do you need so many monitors"? (This one is rarely asked but I do see it discussed on platforms and people trading on mobile phones love giving flack to anybody who trades on multiple monitors. Hint: Everyone's different. Whatever works for the individual. There are no rules in trading. The only rule is that it works.)

My story:

I heard about daytrading during the 2008 crash while in high school. We all want to make more while working less. I entertained day trading from time to time but always realized I never had enough money. Horrible mindset because I could have still researched WHILE saving money to put into my trading business.
2015 - I opened my first trading account with Scottrade while in the Marines. Apparently if you have a net worth of over $1,000,000 you can get out early (Biggest rumor ever).
I frivolously bought crap penny stocks. In short - I was a hair away from gambling. What made it NOT gambling was the fact that at least I owned something tangible (Securities of a company) and anything can happen. Buy low sell high was my strategy. Didn't work obviously. No idea what I was doing. I'd buy and hold hoping to wake up to the stock price being way higher and it never happened.

ProTip #1 : If you hold a trade overnight... It is not daytrading. Stop turning into an investor because you can't admit a minor defeat.

2017 - I started taking this business seriously while working in the oilfield as a Logistics Planner (If you're wondering what company since I am asked this from time to time, Google: "World's largest oilfield services company").
No kids, girlfriend/wife or financial obligations. I worked 10AM - 7PM CST and would trade the open from home for roughly 1 hour. Later I was offered to be a Data Analyst... Only downside was... I couldn't trade since I had to be at work now at 8AM CST during the market open. In the moment of signing the offer letter, I was bummed thinking, "No more trading,"
That wasn't the case though. You can still build your trading business with a 9-5 and while never making one trade. The data is there.

ProTip #2 : We all see the same data. It's there forever. Many strategies show their edge both live and in hindsight the same. (Especially if you trade patterns). You CAN build your business as a trader without even taking a trade. You CAN build your strategy while working a 9-5. Just because you're not trading, does not mean you can't build your business through research. You won't know how you'll react to the losses but at least you can diagnose the raw data with a large enough sample size for assurance and confidence.

If you have a 9-5 and want to go fulltime into this business. Stay for a bit, save, live so far beneath your means that it is almost miserable, (depending on your expenses, area you live, family etc) and get a few hundred sample sizes of your strategy! And for your PTO/days off... trade the open. I sacrificed my vacation days to trade.
After 2 years in corporate America, eating cheap food, never going out, saving relentlessly, I made the decision to just do it and resigned. I went straight into the ring of fire known as trading. That was on: September 23rd, 2019
"" (Sound familiar?)

When you hear these types of comments.. your response should be: "Nobody put the time I put into this. The 90%+ who fail, don't have it all written out, computerized backtests, manual backtests, statistics, SOP manuals, JUST like the job I have which is a business, I'm just another cog in their wheel. I'll just be wearing all the hats in my trading business. Instead of Oil&Gas, it's just for trading". One thing I see here a lot is people saying to trade X amount of months/years or make X.

ProTip #3 - Think in man hours, not calendar. Example:
Trader A puts in 1 hour of study/work/research everyday for 1 year. (365 Hours)
Trader B puts in 12 hours of work every day for 4 months. (~1,450 Hours)
Trader A lives in a major city while Trader B lives in the middle of nowhere. (Think cost of living)
2 totally different living expenses and 2 different calibers of dedication. I'd put my money on Trader B because he put in more man hours. (~1,000 more hours on the clock to be more exact).

ProTip #4 - Have a cushion in your account AND your personal bank account. Having a strategy is great but you won't know entirely if you can fulfill and execute your plan until you experience the ups and downs both short and long term. A strategy is constant over long periods of time... there will be days, weeks, and perhaps a month here and there where you aren't making much money. We hear all the time, "Trade like a casino". Casinos don't make money day after day but the odds are in there favor over the long haul.

Month 1 of full time trading was great:
Immediately after going full time, the first month (September 2019 to October 2019), I did super well. Business as usual. No stress. Everything going as planned. No turbulence. At least not like I had ever experienced...

The 2 prerequisites I had before resigning was:
  1. Show consistency in returns. Consistent Sharpe Ratio.
  2. Make a 4 figure trade (I achieved this while short 100 shares on ROKU September 20th, 2019 and even made a victory post if you scroll down my profile's posts.)

First life-changing trading lesson learned as a full time trader:
That money printing spree ended on NFLX October 17th, 2019. Less than 1 month of being a full time trader. Deviating and going against my plan I actually made $500 in a matter of 4 minutes. If you follow my watchlists on Twitter, I always trade with the direction of the gap. If I notate, "Long Watches" that means I will only trade it IF (and only IF) I see a long biased pattern. Likewise I will only be looking to short my "Short Watches". Plenty of times I'll call out a ticker and it immediately goes the other way. No harm no foul because there was no long biased pattern to confirm my thesis.
On 10-17-2019, I went against my plan and it worked.. NFLX gapped up to resistance and I went short when it tanked off of a short pattern.(This is known as fading). The market gave me a free lunch and then some. So now I'm walking on air in my mind:
"I'm an absolute unit"
"I'll do it again and clear another $500 to make it a 4 figure day before 9:30AM Central"
"Should have quit my job way earlier being this good."
Within 30 minutes of the open. I gave all $500 back. Yes I wanted to trade it back. Never have I had the desire to smash anything but I do understand those who do! Yes I stood there and felt like each passing second was wasted opportunity. The next 24 hours were long!

ProTip #5: It's circumstances like that that help you in the long run. FunFact: I never once deviated from my plan since. Not ever again.

"I could have paid for my groceries and electric for the month after 4 minutes of trading if I just took the free pass the market gave me" I felt dumb but in hindsight, I'm glad at what happened. It was this exact instance that married me to my strategy/business plan. The next day and the 7 trading days following. I didn't make 1 profiting trade. My longest ever drawdown - 11 straight trades. While researching I found out this was Decision Fatigue (I'll go over this shortly below)

Put yourself in that situation...
You have bills and your income is strictly trading. I don't care how much a robot you think you are or how strongly you believe in probabilities, when you were in an office less than a month ago making almost 6 figures sitting in an air conditioned office knowing direct deposit is on its way every other Friday no matter how well or poorly you performed at work.. Now you're in the hot seat. Its a bottomless feeling. Now all of your friends and families words are ringing in your head.
But just like a boxing match.. you gotta take a hit to get a hit. Win some, lose some, shake hands and get back to normal life. Water under the bridge.
Mind you:
•No guaranteed direct deposit every 2 weeks.
•No more medical/dental insurance.
•401K retirement is no longer being matched.

11 trades is nothing. You only require ~5.5 trades at 2:1RRR to make it back OR 3.5 trades at 3:1RRR. It's nothing especially in your research because you can easily just scroll a little more and see, "Oh that's just a drawdown. No big deal". How will you react in real time? Will you buckle or choke? But the thing is, I was skipping trades out of fear and JUST so happened to be picking all of the unsuccessful ones. (Decision Fatigue)
Think about those 2 weeks of being in a drawdown. Half of the month. You're not just stagnant, your account is bleeding slowly but surely. Next time you're looking at your spreadsheet/backtest/predictive model/research.. try to put yourself in those days of drawdown. It's not just 11 boxes of red with "-1R" or "Loss" in them. The screenshot above on Imgur is just a recent example.
Think about your daily routine, going to the gym, hanging with friends, grocery shopping, cooking, going to bed, waking up, doing a routine, then losing again.. and again.. and again. Try to think of life during those 300+ hours (Weekends too) of, "I haven't made money. I've lost money. And I still have bills. After paying them, I'll be closer to my set Risk of Ruin".
Here's a lesson you won't learn before going fulltime but I'll do my best to emphasize it here:
Pick a strategy. And stick with it. It can literally be anything. Don't spread yourself thin watching 20+ tickers and be a jack of all patterns/tickers. Be a master of 1 pattern and master of 1 circumstance. There's this real thing called "Decision Fatigue" which explains exactly why what happened.. happened. The article explains that the 2 outcomes of this mental strain known as "Decision Fatigue" is:
  1. Risky Decision-Making
  2. Decision Avoidance
Sound familiar? Does it kind of make sense now? As a new trader you have YouTube, Facebook, StockTwits, Twitter, "gurus", books recommended on Amazon, all throwing their ideas/strategies around, the market has opportunities littered all over.. Decision Fatigue is inevitable for the unprepared. Decision Fatigue happens in every profession. If you mess up at your 9-5, its just a blunder, your paycheck will remain the same. Just a slap on the wrist and move on. With trading, you make a mistake.. it's less food on your table, lights don't stay on, and/or water isn't running. That pressure adds up. No wonder so many fail...
The signs of Decision Fatigue:
When you find what clicks with you AND its either statistically or performance proven, have the courage to risk a healthy sum of your capital into it. There are strategies/patterns/styles of trading littered all over the internet:
Very broad example:
"IF circumstance happens THEN "Execution". Stoploss is XYZ. Target is XYZ. BECAUSE over a series of Y trades, I will make $X,XXX.xx".

ProTip #6 : Strategies are all over the internet. It's your account/money, backtest it. People share their strategies here all the time and although I don't agree with them because I know what works for me, it's something to chew off of for you newer traders. YouTube is a harbor with people who give just enough info to figure their style out. You will lose trades. Sit for some screen-time and pay homage to the edge that you discover. All in due time.

Insert key metrics and find correlations. This is how you create checks and balances to create/formulate a black and white trading plan. When I first started doing this, my spreadsheet(s) had so many columns it was annoying and would kill my desire to continue working. You'll find things that are imperative and some that are unimportant. For a lack of more colorful terms: "Throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks" Trim the fat. Rinse and repeat.

Here's some things I used to remind myself of and perhaps it'll ring some bells for you:

Surrender your capital to your edge. If you truly accept the risk and trust your proven edge, losses don't feel like anything nor do profits. Although we're not here to put on losing trades and yes it does feel nice to profit. I still from time to time will excited when I hit target after a series of multiple profiting trades depending on my mood.
If you're nervous or your heart starts beating quicker when you hear the sound effect of a trade getting entered/filled. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you're truly accepting the risk.
Things you can't take to the bank:
  1. RRR.
  2. Win-Rate
  3. Number of trades.
  4. "This one great trade that I hit target in less than 30 seconds and I got filled better than expected"
All of these are integral metrics. But you're trading to make money. It's up or down, green or red, profit or loss, TRUE or FALSE. So with that said, find what works flawlessly and is easy to follow. Checks and Balances. Then allocate a good sum of risk into it. I read it here all the time, "Don't risk too much" and that's great and true for new traders. But don't sell yourself short. Push yourself over the edge and admit that you know your stuff. Think of Trader A and Trader B. If you've put the time in.. don't sell yourself short. You've built enough courage to learn a business so many fail at. This business has such a negative connotation. But remember that not everybody can handle meritocracies and that's exactly what the market is. Don't try to be the best, just work harder than everyone else and the output of your input will be relative.

ProTip #7: YouTube trading ads from gurus... they're subconsciously making you think you're a novice trader. It's in their marketing. They study marketing psychology. The EASIEST things to sell:
  1. Health
  2. Wealth
  3. Happiness
People that are desperate for those things are the most vulnerable and these "Traders" marketers are fantastic at portraying all 3 of those things at once.

ProTip #8 (Broken record alert) : Write a business plan. Your strategy shouldn't take longer than 4 sentences to explain to another trader. When you have a plan that's proven through a statistic and WAIT for it to happen, you feel 100X better taking the trade. You don't even care too much when it results in a loss. Because that was your plan, you accept it much better, and you know it was just an expense for a winning trade.

Want my strategy? "I scan for stocks with a market cap of over 250M, 10k shares premarket, gapping to support or resistance, priced over $10, and I look for a pattern biased to the direction of the overnight gap. It isn't rocket science. Check my Twitter, look at the dates I posted, and you'll notice the gist. Yes this is an edge but not the entire edge. How fast can you sift through 15 time frames? How long does it take you to fill out your order ticket? Your Fibonacci time extensions with 5 EMA's and Bollinger Bands aren't helping you. They're lagging. If they work for you, great. In my experience, they hindered my visibility.

Pro Tip #9: Yes statistics are highly applicable to trading. Patterns do work. All patterns do is tell you WHEN to enteexit, and how many shares. Humans will never think differently of money. Be the frontrunner of the market's emotions. Nobody remembers the indecisive leader. Risk taking is a commonality amongst leaders. Trading requires courage and it's O.K. to show a bit of confidence as long as you also have the humility to admit when you're in a bad trade. (Notice how I didn't put, "wrong". You're only "wrong" when you deviate from a proven strategy.)

ProTip #10: Risk management is 24/7. I've never heard anyone mention this but think about it a little bit. Having financial obligations can become stressful regardless of how you earn your income but its far more stressful while running a business. Not just any business, but a business where you can go to work on your A-game, do every single last thing right, trade without emotion etc... and still walk away with less money than what you came to work with. Meanwhile somebody who JUST started trading made a 4 figure profit not knowing what the heck the difference between ETB, HTB, or NTB. Think of it like this, a JV high school baseball player can hit a homerun off of an MLB pitcher once.. but how will he fare at the end of the season? Traders don't predict stock prices, traders predict the outcome over hundreds of trades. People chat me asking what TO do rather than what NOT to do. You don't learn labor intensive jobs or how to fly a plane by what to do.. you learn what NOT to do to stay alive.

That's all I have. Once you have a trading plan underway and you're executing it, you don't have much time when your hobbies are cheap but I still do respond to chats/messages. I do get asked from a previous post when I'll build a website and to answer that: I'm learning how to build a site on rainy days. Can't put a definitive date on it. I will say that its coming, if you don't give up on this business in the next year or so, you'll see it. What I plan on putting on there:
  1. RiskReward Calculators
  2. Position size Calculators
  3. EV Calculator
  4. Dictionary with examples
I just don't want some generic WordPress site. I want my website to be stellar and a great resource for aspiring traders. Something I didn't have learning this business. I want it to be something I'd consider a staple in a trader's resources. Perhaps one day it will be referenced on this sub frequently.
  1. "How do you prepare for a trading day?" I get behind the computer about 20 minutes before the bell. Reason being: "If you study long. You'll study wrong". If the chart isn't grabbing my attention and gets me excited, then I flick to the next ticker. I don't even know the companies I trade half the time nor do I care about a news report some journalist wrote. Also there is no magic news outlet that lets you know about "Major events that affect stock prices". If there was, I wouldn't be here because we're all subscribed to the same edge nor would I be trading my style.
  2. "What would you go back to tell yourself?" Get more data. Save a little more, your hairline and sleep schedule will thank you. Take only perfect trades and don't feel forced to trade. There will be days you don't touch an order ticket. And days where you are busy and have tunnel vision. Next thing you know its time to shut it down for the day.
  3. "Books?" - I try to humble myself when answering this but off the cuff, they're all mediocre. Andrew Aziz's was ok, definitely get it, it's only a few bucks on Kindle. Just don't expect it to give you strategies BUT it will give you ideas. If you're brand new, it is good as it will teach you the common vernacular of a day trader. Mark Douglas was interesting but his YouTube seminar recordings are much better. No book, Facebook group, YouTube channel is going to be the end all be all perfect strategy. Expect losses. Don't be a one hitter quitter after suffering a few tiny losses/paper cuts. Stick to it. Most books will help you familiarize yourself with the common vocabulary amongst traders and will hint ideas. It's your job to formulate the strategy and template for research.
  4. "What is your background?" I was a logistics planner for a major oilfield services company. Later I then became a data/buyer analyst so yes, data analytics/research was a 2nd language for me entering trading. I did have that upper hand and did shave off months if not years for me.
  5. "What is a normal day for you?" I'm always done trading after 10:30AM Central. I will hold onto a trade until right before the bell if it hasn't hit either target or StopLoss by the time I leave the house but it is absolutely closed in entirety by 2:55PM Central. After I trade, I enjoy the day. No I'm not riding around in my Lambos posting IG/Snapchat (I have neither) stories of my profits with my private jet waiting on a runway trying to sell an $7 eBook or a $100 membership (HINT HINT). I grill/cook, read, workout, ride my motorcycle, attack my other sources of income (small businesses I'm building), hit the driving range, shoot guns, etc. I live in Texas. Life is cheap and fun here.
  6. "How did you discover your strategy?" I bought TradeIdeas premium, went through all of their computerized backtesting patterns, tested them. Then did what I mentioned earlier... Tried to find correlations in metrics. It distilled the trades to a strict criteria and here I am. I post on average 4-5 tickers on my watchlist. 7 max. I do not like spreading my attention thin across multiple tickers. I do not recommend buying TradeIdeas, it does have lots of bugs.
  7. "What did you do/How did you get started?" Was a data analyst, was good at research and applied it to trading. My incentive was, "I could have made more money trading rather than sitting in 2+ hours of roundtrip traffic and 9 hours in an office. The data is there. Everybody sees the same charts all over the world. There are ways to make this possible"
  8. "What is your % return?" (Not a fun question since a trading account is not an index or investment account. Intraday traders do not measure performance in %) I trade to make money AND pay myself, so my equity curve will look like a small loss or small gain after I pay myself. % return? I measure my account's performance in Sharpe Ratio and Risk Units. My Sharpe Ratio is ~1.85. While I yield roughly .8 - 1 R per trading day. Some weeks I make 10R. Some weeks I lose 2R. Yeah one week I might make $2,500. But the next week I might lose $300. The following week my strategy will yield $0 and the last week I might make $1,000. Some weeks suck. Some weeks are great. But overall. Just shy of 1R per trading day. Some days I'm super busy taking trade after trade. Some days I'll shut it down after 5 minutes without even filling out an order ticket. Some days I won't even see the open because there is no edge for me.. Keywords... "For me".
  9. "Is enough to start trading?" Depends on where you live. Are you restricted to PDT? If not then how much are you obligated to expenses? I live in Texas. Things are cheap here. If you live in NYC or The Bay Area your expenses will be astronomical compared to mine. A $30,000 account is totally doable for a single Texan with low monthly expenses. Now if you're in California or New York? I'm sure you'll fall below 25k if you have 1 bad month. Also depends on if you have other sources of income or a full/part time job. I encourage every trader and aspiring trader to have multiple sources of income, don't rely solely on trading. Not just for the sake of mitigating pressure but also for sanity. If you have a family to provide for, I don't know what that's like, you never know when Little Johnny is going to randomly pick up Trombone lessons for a school program/play while little Suzie needs transmission work in her car because a simple solenoid went out. $1,700 later.
  10. "Why do you need so many monitors?" I use 3 for trading. The 4th is for music. The other 2 are useless while trading. That's for trading though. When I made the decision to go full time, I knew I was about to go off the chain with research. And sifting between spreadsheets, a platform to see multiple timeframes for a pattern to backtest. My attention span is short, I'll lose my train of thought before I open the other tab to input data. But the main reason was for research. It's such a time saver and is a headache repellant when doing research while everything is laid out in front of you. Now that I have a system. I'll most likely be treating myself to 2 ultrawides for Christmas.
As always, thank you to everybody who takes time out to message me and letting me know some people read these and show appreciation. I would say, "Good luck" but there is no luck in trading. Just statistics. Remember that!
In conclusion: Yes. Full time trading is possible, depending where you live/monthly expenses and obligations. You're more likely to become a profitable trader than a professional athlete. There is a level of uncertainty each day, perhaps each week, doubtful each month, and definitely not each year. If I ever want a raise, I just consult my business plan and financials, then decide if I can handle it mentally. If you have medical issues, get a part time job for the benefits. If you're healthy, just be careful.

All the best!
submitted by CJT2013 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

[The Iron Fleet] Official Recruitment Thread - Economy | Wages | Market | Gambling | RPG | Discord Community | PC/PS4/XB1

We are a veteran gaming community that has been connecting more and more players for several years. We accept all Guardians regardless of experience, provided they abide by the rules, and will aim to help new players along their journey. We have players from all around the world, so it should never be a problem finding someone to play with. The Iron Fleet is based off the fleet of the same name from George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire." Feel free to role-play along, but it's not required!
Job Titles
These job titles are purchased with doubloons, the currency our server uses. You can earn doubloons through a variety of means. Some of these include a daily, ranked based salary, gambling, participating in lottery style raffles, and by doing certain "jobs".
Member Ranks
We have a dual ranking system which grants you the following roles based on your activity within the server. Members are sorted by this rank.
What Makes Us Different?
To start, we've added an entirely new role and ranking system. While staff ranks (Junior and Senior Officers) will only be given by appointment, every member has the chance to rank up in the fleet, up to the rank of Captain and Protector of the Realm. The first set of roles are purchasable through the market, so be sure to manage your money well! Each role has a different price, and comes with different salaries (paid weekly).
In addition to the roles, you can also purchase or invest in a number of trade goods. There are several, unique items in the store with specific flavor texts that are displayed whenever you use them! New items from far away lands may show up in the store at any time, so keep your eyes peeled!
Lastly, we've implemented gambling as a sport and spectacle. You can participate in or simply cheer on a cockfight outside the tavern, throw dice in the back alleyway, or go to a casino type area where you can experience more exotic games, such as roulette and blackjack! You can also buy a ticket to a lottery style raffle, to gain extra doubloons or cool prizes!
To join our ranks and start adventuring your way across the cosmos with your fellow Guardians, submit the application template, found below directly to our discord (linked below). Once you've joined the discord server, simply read the rules, hit the emote indicating that you've read them, and a Junior or Senior Officer will get you set up!
Gamertag: Discord Name: Region/Time Zone: Platform: Experience (if any) with the game: Additional info you may want to include:
submitted by JackieChansDaughter to Destiny2Clans [link] [comments]

Megathread 2: Donald Trump Leaked Video and Campaign Statement; GOP Statements

Please find the original megathread linked here, this is a continuation and expansion in light of additional conversation and more news.
This thread is for discussion of the leaked 2005 video in which Donald Trump discussed women, his online statement/taped apology following that tonight, and reactions from GOP officials including but not limited to unendorsements.
Reminder that this thread is for on-topic and civil discussion. Please be nice, and discuss the issue at hand.

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Top GOP lawmaker withdraws Trump endorsement Alejandro_Last_Name
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GOP senator: Trump should drop out. GonzoVeritas
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Donald Trump forced into apology over boasts of sexually preying on women ManiaforBeatles
Trump Says 'I Was Wrong' After Groping Comments Awards_from_Army
Coffman: Trump Should Step Aside And Do The Right Thing 19683dw
Republicans rush to condemn Trump and distance themselves after lewd video of Trump emerges billthomson
Trump to release video statement after lewd 2005 comments surface corleone21
Paul Ryan cancels Saturday appearance with Trump Cyyyyk
Paul Ryan Says Donald Trump Will No Longer Appear With Him In Wisconsin garyploski
Trump says Pence to represent him at Wisconsin event on Saturday hug_mee
Paul Ryan just let fly about Donald Trump StevenSanders90210
Paul Ryan, 'sickened' by comments, says Trump won't attend Wisconsin event ZimZimA1
Pence refuses to respond on Trump's comments peddelman42
Donald Trump apologizes for aggressive, crude comments FoChouteau
Washington GOP official: Trump's remarks made when he was a Dem Just_For_Da_Lulz
It Is Too Late For The GOP To Rid Itself Of The Trump Stench SandersCantWin
Prominent Evangelicals Still Backing Trump After Lewd Video dajesus77
Reid to GOP: Drop 'sociopath' Trump Dads_cream_soda
Trump: 'I Said It, I Was Wrong, And I Apologize.' qcubed3
Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock of Virginia urges Trump to drop out of race ThouHastLostAn8th
Trump in crisis after lewd remarks about women come to light hug_mee
Caller who had a tape of Donald Trump's lewd comments helped tip-off Washington Post reporter executivemonkey
Republican Senator Calls for Trump to Drop Out and for GOP to Begin 'Emergency Replacement' jcsf123
Analysis: Mark Kirk wants Donald Trump off ballot, but there's no way to remove him ainbheartach
Republican Senator Calls for Trump to Drop Out and for GOP to Begin 'Emergency Replacement' MatthewKBurke
Trumps unbounded vulgarity is exposed executivemonkey
Tape shows disgusting Donald Trump at his sexist, misogynist worst billthomson
Ryan sickened by Trumps lewd comments in video ioxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoi
Donald Trump, Groper in Chief chad1312
Clinton camp blasts Trump with leaked audio in new ad v-string
Speaker Ryan cancels Saturday event with Trump following vulgar video release ItsJustAJokeLol
Ryan 'sickened' by Trump comments, Trump no long coming to WI event hundes
'America deserves far better': Republicans react to crude comments from leaked Trump audio r4816
Billy Bush was already polarizing. His lewd Donald Trump conversation makes things much worse. sheshesheila
Donald Trump cant resist blaming Bill Clinton when his own sexism comes up KermitTheSnail
The many times Trump has been accused of harassing female employees AustiniteInExile
What Advice Is Roger Ailes Giving Donald Trump About His Sexual Assault Comments? AncillaryIssues
GOP lawmaker: Trump should 'step aside' for sake of party realstekcor
First Trump-Ryan appearance derailed by Trump tape johnybravo23
Donald Trump Disses J. Lo's ButtAnd More Misogynistic Comments From the GOP Leader jimrosenz
Donald Trumps apology for his leaked tape, deconstructed by an apology expert dajesus77
Hey ladies, at least we know what Donald Trump thinks of us helpmeredditimbored
The Latest: Utah Senator Mike Lee calls on Trump to quit after apology video TheModelPerson
The coming Trump vs. Clinton sex scandal showdown Plymouth03
Top Republicans rebuke Trump after lewd "Access Hollywood" tape released Mahaviak
Donald Trumps Apology That Wasnt yakinikutabehoudai
Donald Trump's Tape: Yep, He's Talking About Sexual Assault TWFH
Trump defiantly apologizes after lewd remarks about women revealed Ellinawest
GOP strategist Ana Navarro unleashed hellfire on CNN over Trump. It's must-see TV. angrybox1842
Chaffetz explains why he's pulling support for Trump ZmajLee
Ryan calls off plans to campaign with Trump; GOP-ers rush to distance themselves zlackins
Donald Trump sorry for obscene remarks on women - BBC News TheSutphin
Republicans blast Donald Trump over sexism, demand he steps down JeanJauresJr
It Is Too Late For The GOP To Rid Itself Of The Trump Stench the_hack_attack
Trump defiantly apologizes after lewd remarks about women revealed roman1212
Donald Trumps Apology That Wasnt trifecta
Donald Trump boasts of groping women CoolCapeMay
The GOPs brutal responses to the new Trump video, broken down LineNoise
Washington GOP chair: Trump's lewd remarks 'were made when he was a Democrat' coolcrosby
Paul Ryan condemns Trump's boasts of groping women HamsterSandwich
Who is Billy Bush: the man egging on Trump in tape about groping women HamsterSandwich
Donald Trump's Apology That Wasn't toekknow
[You Don't Need A Daughter To Know Trump Bragging About Sexual Assault Is Vile FatLadySingin
Let's Be Clear: Donald Trump Bragged About Sexual Assault DanielleMuscato
Donald Trump has self-immolated and he'll take the entire conservative movement down with him Trombosaurus
Donald Trump forced into apology as sex boast tape horrifies Republicans ihavesexwith
Trump now too toxic for Paul Ryan, Hill GOP zlackins
Trump's Words Are Not 'Explicit Sex Talk' RnqsgdqmIda
Donald Trump tape: People 'disgusted' at recordings where Republican talks about groping women aninoldies
3 big questions Donald Trump will have to answer about this lewd video wenchette
Donald Trump Apologizes In Recording That Looks Like A Hostage Tape m_richards
Billy Bush Says Hes Ashamed by Lewd Talk With Donald Trump DrDaniels
Donald Trump Apologizes In Recording That Looks Like A Hostage Tape Ellipsis83
Leading Republicans are furiously denouncing Trump for his leaked comments about women fuibanidoevoltei
Trump now too toxic for Paul Ryan, Hill GOP Ellipsis83
Donald Trump is directly contributing to rape culture movethebird
Republicans slam Trump -- but slow to pull endorsements alllie
How the shocking hot mic tape of Donald Trump was exposed Lifelove4u
GOP frantic as Clinton uses Trump vulgarity in new ad UvonTheDeplorable
Top Republicans rebuke Trump after lewd "Access Hollywood" tape released tomhanks23
Bill Maher Blasts Leaked Trump Tape: Making Sexual Assault Great Again Shitposter123456789
Second GOP lawmaker rescinds Trump endorsement Mapleyy
Trump says 'I was wrong and I apologize' calls to resign from GOP begin Ellipsis83
Even Trump boasting about sexual assault isnt getting Republican elites to dump him (so far) NeilPoonHandler
Why Donald Trump and Billy Bushs leaked conversation is so awful tk421yrntuaturpost
Trump's Legacy Will Haunt GOP Beyond 2016 Shitposter123456789
Third GOP senator calls on Trump to drop out OtroGatoGordo
Democratic super PAC launches to shame GOP pols who back Trump Aidan_King
Our Live Elections Podcast Reacts To Donald Trumps Lewd Comments LP1236951
GOP Sen. Crapo Calls on Trump to Quit Race chad1312
Trump apologizes for video bragging about groping women Lifelove4u
Republicans distance selves from Trump, call for him to quit, after damaging video CoolCapeMay
The Latest: GOP Sen. Crapo Calls on Trump to Quit Race joshing_slocum
GOP senator unendorses Trump, urges him to leave ticket Forever_LEM
Corey Lewandowski Previews Trump Campaigns Defense of Lewd Tape j33
Carly Fiorina calls on GOP to replace Trump joe4942
Washington state GOP Chairman excuses Trumps remarks: He was channeling Bill Clinton nonstopflux
Paul Ryan, Reluctant Supporter, Weighs Response to Donald Trumps Remarks ainbheartach
GOP congressional candidates start to abandon Trump FatLadySingin
Trump dismisses GOP calls to quit race IsleCook
Top Evangelicals Stand By Trump After Crude Video Revelation 2_Sheds_Jackson
Lewd Donald Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the G.O.P. HeinieKaboobler
US election: Donald Trump says he will not quit over video temporarycreature
Pence says he was 'offended' by Trump's remarks about groping women keldorr92
Pence: 'Cannot defend' Trump lewd remarks Robvicsd
Republicans who have condemned Trump. "Republicans who have called for Trump to be replaced as the GOP nominee." T1mac
AP: 'Apprentice' cast and crew say Trump was lewd and sexist BosomBosons
Robert De Niro goes off on Trump in new video Lifelove4u
Trump: 'Zero chance I'll quit' chohee
Amid growing calls to drop out, Trump vows to never withdraw mr_charliejacobs
Crapo, Ayotte pull support for Trump jumbleton
Crapo, Ayotte pull support for Trump mockassin
Trump answers calls to drop out of presidential race furqan651
Reports: Pence Won't Sub For Trump At Campaign Event With Paul Ryan Carmac
Trump's leaked comments aren't surprising. They fit a long pattern of abusive behavior. cyclopsrex
Millions of voters can respond almost immediately to what they hear from Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in Sunday's presidential debate, or to the revelations about Trump's crude comments on tape about women. TwoGee
Pence says he was 'offended' by Trump's remarks about groping women Dracula_in_Auschwitz
Mike Pence 'Offended' By Donald Trump's Lewd Remarks About Women Sr_Laowai
The Latest: Pence won't "condone" or "defend" Trump remarks andrewdt10
Republicans shouldnt be demanding Trump apologize they should apologize for backing him homepregnancykit
No. 3 GOP Senate leader says Trump should withdraw mjfern
Lewd Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the G.O.P. holierthanthee
Mike Pence: I do not condone his remarks and I cannot defend them Qwertysapiens
Pence Pulls Out of Paul Ryan's Wisconsin Event - ABC News demosthenes131
Republicans Get What They Deserve As Trump Vows Never Ever To Drop Out Of Race pheonix200
Pence will not attend Wisconsin GOP event Ellipsis83
Carly Fiorina calls on Donald Trump to step aside and Mike Pence to move to the top of the ticket JeanJauresJr
Donald Trump Just Lost The Election stumblybumble
Nevada GOP Senate candidate drops support for Trump polymute
Mike Pence: I 'Cannot Defend' Donald Trump's Lewd Remarks About Women neymargolas
Trump Tapes and Clinton Leaks: One of the Craziest Weeks American Politics Has Ever Seen mastermindxx
Chaos in GOP: Calls grow for Trump to drop out of race scite
Evangelical Leaders Shrug At Donald Trumps Lewd Comments myellabella
Leaked Trump video sparks heated exchange NMSSS
Donald Trumps video is exactly what we mean when we talk about rape culture delafayette
Donald Trump on Saturday morning broke his Twitter silence in the wake of damaging audio leaks showing him vulgarly talking about groping women. Certainly has been an interesting 24 hours! polymute
Pence says he cannot defend lewd remarks by Trump discocrisco
Pence cannot defend Trumps lewd comments about women LaughBerryCrunch
#NotOkay: Women react to Donald Trump video tomhanks23
Trump in 1993: Indians Shouldn't Get Casinos Unless They Look Indian to Me (Video) walter_neft
Donald Trump Made Lewd Comments While Melania Was Pregnant viccar0
Op-ed: Dr. Ben Carson on the Donald Trump video buy_iphone_7
submitted by PoliticsModeratorBot to politics [link] [comments]

August 30 Community Roundtable

There was a Roll20 Community Roundtable on Aug 30, 2019. My (very) rough notes below, and a link to the Twitch VOD:
submitted by slugnet to Roll20 [link] [comments]

Menu system

Hi guys, Im new in this company and trying to make an script for their entry process. There are employees in several different cities and countries.
It works fine. Its adding them to ad and office 365 with a menu system.
But my boss wants it tidier. So I want a question that asks them if they are a consultant or employee and then lead it to a different menu based of the option the location. We copy the properties from templates. The templates are named like "newyork.consultant" "newyork.employee".
I dont know how to do that and at the same time define the path.
Here is the menu part of the script.
I then define the $city part and put the information thats needed.
Would be greateful for any help! Thanks.

Create User Script

[cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$TicketNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$Firstname = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$LastName = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$Username = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$Title = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$EmployeeNumber = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$EmployeeID = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$Manager = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$Department = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$Displayname = @() ) function Get-PSFUserChoice { <# .SYNOPSIS Prompts the user to choose between a set of options. .DESCRIPTION Prompts the user to choose between a set of options. Returns the index of the choice picked as a number. .PARAMETER Options The options the user may pick from. The user selects a choice by specifying the letter associated with a choice. The letter assigned to a choice is picked from the character after the first '&' in any specified string. If there is no '&', the system will automatically pick the first letter as choice letter: "This &is an example" will have the character "i" bound for the choice. "This is &an example" will have the character "a" bound for the choice. "This is an example" will have the character "T" bound for the choice. This parameter takes both strings and hashtables (in any combination). A hashtable is expected to have two properties, 'Label' and 'Help'. Label is the text shown in the initial prompt, help what the user sees when requesting help. .PARAMETER Caption The title of the question, so the user knows what it is all about. .PARAMETER Message A message to offer to the user. Be more specific about the implications of this choice. .PARAMETER DefaultChoice The index of the choice made by default. By default, the first option is selected as default choice. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-PSFUserChoice -Options "1) Create a new user", "2) Disable a user", "3) Unlock an account", "4) Get a cup of coffee", "5) Exit" -Caption "User administration menu" -Message "What operation do you want to perform?" Prompts the user for what operation to perform from the set of options provided #> [OutputType([System.Int32])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [object[]] $Options, [string] $Caption, [string] $Message, [int] $DefaultChoice = 0 ) begin { ##Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Bound parameters: $($PSBoundParameters.Keys -join ", ")" -Tag 'debug', 'start', 'param' $choices = @() foreach ($option in $Options) { if ($option -is [hashtable]) { $label = $option.Keys -match '^l' | Select-Object -First 1 [string]$labelValue = $option[$label] $help = $option.Keys -match '^h' | Select-Object -First 1 [string]$helpValue = $option[$help] } else { $labelValue = "$option" $helpValue = "$option" } if ($labelValue -match "&") { $choices += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList $labelValue, $helpValue } else { $choices += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList "&$($labelValue.Trim())", $helpValue } } } process { # Will error on one option so we just return the value 0 (which is the result of the only option the user would have) # This is for cases where the developer dynamically assembles options so that they don't need to ensure a minimum of two options. if ($Options.Count -eq 1) { return 0 } $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Caption, $Message, $choices, $DefaultChoice) } } function Show-Menu { param ( [string]$Title = 'Choose Location' ) Clear-Host Write-Host "================ $Title ================" Write-Host "1: Press '1' city" Write-Host "2: Press '2' city" Write-Host "3: Press '3' city" Write-Host "4: Press '4' city" Write-Host "5: Press '5' city" Write-Host "6: Press '6' city" Write-Host "7: Press '7' city" Write-Host "Q: Press 'Q' to quit." } <#$choice = Get-PSFUserChoice -Options 'Stockholm', 'Malta', 'LiveCasino', 'Gothenburg', 'Gibraltar', 'Kiev', 'Krakow' -Message 'Which Office will the user be at' switch ($choice) { 0 { "London" } 1 { "Tokyo" } 2 { "Toronto" } 3 { "Paris" } } #> Show-Menu –Title 'My Menu' $selection = Read-Host "Which office will this user be at" Switch($Selection) { 1{$Location = $city1} 2{$Location = $city2} 3{$Location = $city3} 4{$Location = $city4} 5{$Location = $city5} 6{$Location = $city6} 7{$location = $city7} Q{return} } 

submitted by ammezing90 to PowerShell [link] [comments]

Transcript of Jed's Telegram visit today about Decent bet 2.0 changes

Jed came into the Telegram today so I saved some of the Content for people who may have questions about the new Dbet 2.0 changes.

DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:08]
I will be scrolling through looking to address some questions that have been asked. If you have a question feel free to post it in case I miss it.
User, [10.08.18 03:10]
I think there’s some curiosity to how house backing will work game by game. Is the sportsbook all one house that anyone can opt in to? Same with casino and table games? What about individual sports matches?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:17] [In reply to User]
The sportsbook is not one house, you can create a sportsbook and provide staking where any one can bet any game against your staking and you can set the max bet or you can publish specific games you would like to take action on more of a p2p wager.
User, [10.08.18 03:13]
Also curious to how we can get verifiable results on the more unusual user-created wagers that can be created.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:19] [In reply to User]
For these odd types of bets we will use either an agreed upon 3rd party as the "referee" and we are looking into Oracles that can are trusted 3rd party community members that verify results.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:14] [In reply to User]
The way the minimum staking amount for a game will work will be based on the max bet and therefore max payout so with this structure you'll have enough staked to have an extended "bankroll". A single game will not necessarily make less than the casino as a whole as each game has different RTP. If you were staking a single game with a lower RTP and a higher house edge it is very likely you would make more than the casino as a whole. If you want to diversify across multiple games to have more balanced staking you can, you can break it up across multiple tables of the same game you can diversify it however you would like.
User, [10.08.18 03:21] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
So in this case we can't just allocate a % to general DBET sportsbook. We'd each need to create our own sportsbooks and decide what we want to offer and set our limits etc.?
User, [10.08.18 03:25] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
Let me know if this is correct- if I want to back a particular sports event, say the super bowl, it will be me and only me who backs the bets for my own house? Naturally for a big game lots of people are going to want to participate- and as a result will there may be thousands of unique houses all trying to take the same bets? Sorry trying to get my head around the new system.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:26] [In reply to User]
There will be a general "skin" of a sportsbook with everything loaded and ready to go for you that you can use and set a staking amount for or you can customize only offering specific leagues or sports or games.
User, [10.08.18 03:28] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
Then it will essentially be thousands of individual sportsbooks within the system and it would be up to me to drive traffic to my own book or hope someone comes to mine out of the list?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:29] [In reply to User]
Correct and there should be thousands of people looking to make bets on a game like this. Remember each house will only take so much action so as bets are made houses will start to become unavailable and less and less options for each person.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:30] [In reply to User]
That is correct. And you can offer lines that are enticing, rewards programs that are enticing you can set it up however you would like. Keep in mind our goal is to have tens of thousands over time, how many houses and DBETs will be staking at that point and how many will be needed.
User, [10.08.18 03:33] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
Okay, then next up would be how that would look, how books would be prioritized, etc. What's the appeal to the masses in regards to sports when they can simply go to another site and bet without having to sort through thousands of houses looking for the best odds etc.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:34]
There will be simple ways to search for lines and available houses.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:34]
Users will see important info with a quick search seeing which lines are available for that game, what the min and max bets are, what the available staking of house is etc
User, [10.08.18 03:35]
K got it. I get that this is necessary to avoid the security label, but is there a way to avoid that kind of redundancy on the potentially thousands of houses for the same match and to automatically distribute between houses? Example- hypothetically even though technically there may be thousands of redundant houses offering the same odds, couldn’t there be a way to split the bets automatically between them? Like if there’s 1,000 houses takin bets on a particular game, and someone bets 10,000, could there be a contract that splits that to 10 per house and still be legal?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:38] [In reply to User]
Andrew this is a very interesting thought and I will look into it. I am not sure of the technical requirements or legal/ regulatory concerns but it is again a very interestign thought and I will explore it more. If possible maybe people could have the option of going into this diversified model or operating independantly which could be a good feature to offer. Thanks!
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:43] [In reply to User]
You can just take our fully built out sportsbook, stake it and set limits put 20% of your staking behind it and split up the other 80% over other games
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:46]
LAToken listing is huge. Not sure if you are aware but Cryptopia is 88 currently in 24 exchange trading volume, Kucoin is 57 and LAToken is 49.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:46]
This would have never happened without the rebrand.
User [10.08.18 03:48] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
I think this is the biggest struggle most of us have right now. One backer per house. So if I stake in the general sports book, how is that automatically allocated to me? Because it sounds like the general pool of the original idea.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:53] [In reply to User]
So the fully built out sportsbook is essentially just a skin of a sportsbook but has everyting loaded for you so you do not have to do anything if you do not wish to. You then stake the sportsbook you created with the skin and now you can take bets from people.
User, [10.08.18 03:54]
I'm guessing the team will release some "how to" videos of this for further clarification as well. Ease of use is important.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:54] [In reply to User]
Absolutely we will!
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 03:54]
May be you have friends family etc that bet on sports you can drive them all there and we will be driving a marketing machine prodcuing as much user acquisition as we can to generate players for everyone.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:01] [In reply to User]
We are still doing everything we can to build the userbase as large as possible. At the beginning things may be slow, I think we all expected that with the old or new model, but once the users start coming in we are going to need 100's of tables and shortly after 1000's for each game.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:02]
How many DBET investors are there currently if every one of them created a table for every game there still would not be that many compared to a halfway decent user base
User, [10.08.18 04:04] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
Sure, but as small as it may have been you could lock up your coins and be assured of a % of the profit no matter how big or small your bag was. Now those with larger bags can eat up all the action in sports leaving the smaller houses with less chances at action and profit. I'm mostly speaking on the sports end here. I understand slots and tables it's a little different as your staking a session 1v1 customers but for sports it's much different.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:06] [In reply to User]
The average gambler is a pretty small gambler and those with smaller bags will attract them which is the majority and as they should because they should not put their entire staking bag at risk taking larger bets.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:06]
But let me look into the idea that came up earlier where rather than pooling the funds we split up the bets.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:07]
That may create an option for people to be in a pool of bet distribution so the ones that are concerned with it can go that route.
User, [10.08.18 04:07] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
What drives a smaller sports bettor to my house over someone with a larger bag? As long as they have smaller limits and can keep taking 100 or 1000s of those smaller bets I have no advantage
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:09]
Many of the larger staked houses may have a min bet above the users preferred bet amount minimizing the proportion of big houses to small houses that are available to them
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:10]
I'm not saying they will be drawn to you but the min and max bet amounts will impact what is available to the smaller bettors.
User, [10.08.18 04:11] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
But not likely as that would make them lose money. That's why every casino in Vegas has like $5 min bet on sports as well as every bookie I've met.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:11] [In reply to User]
Sure, I know many bookies that would never touch a $5 bet, it's not worth their time.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:13]
I do not think vacant tables is going to be an issue once the userbase has a chance to grow somewhat. When you look at how many DBET holders there are and how many will stake the house you're not talking about 10's of thousands of people
User, [10.08.18 04:13] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
But essentially every casino in Vegas will. And they have to handle every aspect of the transaction where as if your staking the software there is no added stress or time wasted by lower limits
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:13]
Absolutely correct
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:14]
I believe we will see houses with more than a $5 minimum bet.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:14] That is all I am saying.
User [10.08.18 04:14]
So there's really no conceivable reason why someone staking DBET would have a low minimum as they don't have to handle any part of the transaction correct?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:20]
I love the revolutionary concept of it all and I believe the space will change in this direction plus getting us out of the security conversations was a must. We need more liquidity to ever get to where we all want to go, from a trading standpoint, user adoption standpoint across the board it is so important. We already have a new listing and more in the works@
User, [10.08.18 04:50]
How will this affect the 5% lottery draw every 1/4?
User, [10.08.18 04:51]
Also how will the affect Decent-C for giving money back?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:52]
Doug lottery will be same as before 5% of all profits will go into the lottery and people will be able to earn up to 5 tickets based on their staking.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:52]
And this will not affect our plans or goals with Decent-C at all either. The plan is exactly as it has always been.
User, [10.08.18 04:55]
If multiple people are backing a slot machine, how is the selection of backer done for a session?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 04:59] [In reply to User]
BB the user will choose which slot machine they want to play based on available staked machines that are not in use by anyone else and offer the bet limits they want.
User, [10.08.18 05:01]
Okay let's be real I can't stay away. DBET please share with us how the new model effects poker if you can. In poker there is generally no stake just rake.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:03]
You're funny and I totally understand. So poker is a ways out on our radar right now. It is not a very profitable game and is challenging technically to do on the blockchain, there is a lot to figure out in order to decentralize it, dealing, RNG, banker, with our model rake as you mentioned, etc.
Doug User [10.08.18 05:04]
DBET are you able to elaborate on the nodes at all? Someone above mentioned nodes.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:07] [In reply to User]
There will be a rewards program that incentivizes people to lock up tokens similar to how a node works for adding value to the platform in a number of different ways.
User, [10.08.18 05:05] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
But if both you, me and Doug are staking machine, who would be selected?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:08] [In reply to User
We would be staking different machines potentially in different rooms so it would depend on which machine the user picked.
User, [10.08.18 05:09] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
Are you saying that the three of us can't stake the same machine?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:10]
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:10]
That was one of the 2 reasons the old model was being classified as a security
User, [10.08.18 05:12]
But, do you mean machine as in - I enter a digital casino and see 20 slot machines or a machine as in I enter the casino and see 1 slot machine that runs various sessions
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:14]
Yes you could see multiple of the same machine
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:16]
At least intitally, we are exploring ideas and may do some A/ B testing and see which UX is most popular
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:21]
Correct you would get profits from the specific machine you backed. Over the same dollar spend the machines would return the same but the motivators were putting the control more into the users hands and mostly to get us out of the security conversartion as we will need more liquidity in the future than what being a security can provide.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:21]
Correct regardless of denomination
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:24]
When we started the company our lawyers told us the token was not a security but the house shares were but they were not the same thing and there were other companies Edgeless for example that was giving back 40% I believe of profits and were listed on Bittrex which was a US regulated exchange that supposedly could not list securities.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:26]
Crypto regulation evolved and everyone is tightening up in regards to securities. Bittrex got audited in November I believe of last year, Cryptopia was audited recently, exchnages going into Malta have to be audited before they can operate that they are not listing securities.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:26]
The landscape changed and we had to adapt.
User, [10.08.18 05:28] [In reply to DBET Jedidiah]
I like it. So with enough Dbets we can back some # of slots, some # of sports books, etc., if we want to.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:29]
Yes you could you could have some nickel slots some dollar slots some craps some roulette some blackjack and diversify your staking
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:30]
I think it will be fun but again I'm from Vegas so I love casinos
User, [10.08.18 05:34]
Just got caught up...I am curious. When will we as designers see more template files like those for the slot machine?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:37] [In reply to User]
We are hyper focused on getting mainnet slots released right now but should be shortly after that most likely sportsbook would be next.
User, [10.08.18 05:46]
If I were to create a custom skin, would it then be available for everyone else to use? Or would there be licensing etc happening? How would this also affect custom games later down the line?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 05:48] [In reply to User]
You would license it to a room and then that room would be able to have it available to all the users in that room
User, [10.08.18 05:59]
Can you give us a quick break down on mass advertising plans? To bring huge numbers in? DBET
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 06:09]
Sure a broad overview, we have a huge network of celebrities from poker pros to nba stars to djs to actors and actresses so utilizing that network where appropriate, targeted advertising into jurisdictions available to us in Latin America, Europe and Asia where futbol leagues will feature or brand on televised events, working diretcly with futbol clubs for sponsoships, working with the sportsbook rating forums and review sites to build a solid reputation in the traditional online casino world, targeted Google PPC and Facebook advertising, more speaking opportunites for me in both blockchain/ crypto and gaming conferences, starting associations that will not only work with regulators but will educate the masses as a group as well, adspace in appropriate publications, I could probably think of a few more but that is a nice quick breakdown of the mass approach we will take.
User, [10.08.18 06:41] [In reply to User]
that was one of my biggest concerns with the old system…the invariable dump that would come at the end of every quarter
User, [10.08.18 06:59]
Quick question regarding profits. Is the model still built at 95% profit to holder and 5% to lottery? How will DBET keep the lights on if they don’t have a percent take?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 07:01]
We have always said we will never keep more than 10% of gross profit to cover our costs and will cover the rest with our operating capital
User, [10.08.18 07:59]
there's no more staking in the house. Basically you can stake in all the games instead.
User, [10.08.18 08:22]
basically, you can stake all games if u want, which is same as staking in the house.
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 08:32]
you nominate which games you would like to stake
User, [10.08.18 08:33]
So perhaps we can have a function to stake in all the games except the peer to peer ones?
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 08:34]
The challenge is if we pool the funds together than we become a security again
User, [10.08.18 08:43]
Select all, copy ;)
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 08:43]
Yes we can look at something simple like a select all for sure
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 08:40]
no once we get into pooling things we are a security
User, [10.08.18 08:56]
yea, I recall the minimum you can stake is dictated by the min/max bet for each game
DBET Jedidiah, [10.08.18 08:56]
yes minimum staking requirements will be based on a low risk max bet max win ratio
submitted by endless_summer_101 to decentbet [link] [comments]

Stuff To Do in Tucson: July 2016

Greetings, /Tucson! It's the JULY 2016 edition of the Stuff to Do thread!
Use this sticky to collect general stuff going on around town (including Tucson's surrounding areas) in July. You can still start new posts about an event, especially if you need help planning something. This will just serve as an easy reference. (PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT start a new post if you are self-promoting, or if you are somehow related to the person(s) that stand to profit from said event. This is considered spam by reddit. Don't do it.)
Comment with the details (date, time, location, admission fee, age restrictions, etc.) about any event/gathering/get-together that you think people may be interested in and I'll update the text of the main post so people can easily see what's going on.
Examples of good stuff to tell us about include:
And more!
Anything advertising any specific product or anything illegal will be removed.
Friday Night LIVE! at Main Gate Square - jazz concert in the Geronimo Plaza Courtyard - 7PM - free
Tuesday Night Classics: Top Gun - Harkins Theatre - 5455 S Calle Santa Cruz - 7PM - $5
Tuesday Night Classics: Jaws - Harkins Theatre - 5455 S Calle Santa Cruz - 7PM - $5
Brew Ha-Ha comedy show Featuring Kristine Levine From Portlandia! - at Borderland Brewing Co. - 119 E. Toole Ave - 8PM - $3 each or $5 for two people
Friday Night LIVE! at Main Gate Square - jazz concert in the Geronimo Plaza Courtyard - 7PM - free
Tucson Bonsai Society's Monthly Meeting: “Potting Mixes and Watering” by Hector, revisiting basics - Catalina United Methodist Church, Building H, Room 230 - 12PM-4PM - see website for more info
Retro Game Show Night hosted by Tempest DuJour: Sassword - at Club Congress - doors at 6PM/show at 7PM - $12 - see website for tix
Tuesday Night Classics: Terminator 2 Judgement Day - Harkins Theatre - 5455 S Calle Santa Cruz - 7PM - $5
Movies in the Park: Inside Out - at Reid Park's Demeester Performing Arts Pavilion - 920 S Concert Pl. - movie starts at dusk (7PM-7:30PM) - all ages
Tuesday Night Classics: Footloose - Harkins Theatre - 5455 S Calle Santa Cruz - 7PM - $5
Chris Isaak – First Comes the Night Tour - at the Fox Theatre - 7:30PM - $34 and up
Cool Summer Nights at the Desert Museum: Creatures of the Night - at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum - 5PM-10PM
Roller Derby Beginners Classes - free - see website for dates, times, and more info
SkyNights at UA Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter - 9800 East Ski Run Rd. - starts around 3PM - $65 Adults , $40 Youth (7-17 yrs) includes a light dinner
Geeks Who Drink - different venues every day
  • Monday - Dante's Fire - 8:00 PM / Public Brewhouse - 7:30 PM / Sir Veza's Taco Garage - 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday - Hotel Congress - 8:00 PM / Frog and Firkin - 8:00 PM / Brew of A Sports Grill (Formerly Schrier's Sports Grill) - 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday - The Auld Dubliner - 8:00 PM / Trident Grill - 8:00 PM / Playground Bar & Lounge - 7:30 PM
  • Thursday - Aloft Tucson University - 7:30 PM (Starts Sept 4th) / Bumsted's - 8:00 PM / The Canyon's Crown Restaurant & Pub - 8:00 PM
  • Sunday - Trident Grill II - 7:00 PM (Starts Sunday, May 15th)
  • 90s House Party - Hotel Congress - 9PM-2AM - free cover - $0.90 drinks - 21+
  • Laughs and Draughts (Open mic comedy & draught beer specials) - at The Flycatcher - 10PM - 21+
Free Women's Self-Defense Class - at Rising Phoenix Fitness - 2201 E. Broadway - 5PM
submitted by CompletelyLurker to Tucson [link] [comments]

The BIG LIST of 2015 Delaware holiday events!

I thought that this public info should be seen without any ads, pop-ups, or required surveys. I will update the entire list at least weekly but try to add info from users' comments at least daily. If you would like to add an event, please leave a comment below with all the details and I'll add it to the list.
FRIDAY, Dec. 11
SUNDAY, Dec. 13
submitted by TheShittyBeatles to Delaware [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Sep 6th - Tue, Sep 12th)

Tulsa's event list.

Wednesday, Sep 6th

Thursday, Sep 7th

Friday, Sep 8th

  • All Local Show w/ County Lights and More! (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Native Strange, Oceanaut, RedWitch Johnny, The Beaten Daylights
  • American Miniature Horse Registry National Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 17th The American Miniature Horse Registry and American Shetland Pony Club are bringing their National Show to Tulsa’s…
  • AMHR Nationals (Expo Square: Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 17th
  • 🎭 Beyond the Curtain - Gender and Dance (Tulsa Ballet - Tulsa) Start Time: 5:30pm FREE EVENT featuring an interactive panel discussion with female leaders in the fields of dance and creativity. This year, Tulsa Ballet’s annual new works program, Creations in Studio K, is dedicated to the power of the female voice. Showcased are three female choreographers: Helen Pickett, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and Young Soon Hue. Join Tulsa…
  • Bluegrass & Chili Festival (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) 1 day left Claremore's Bluegrass & Chili Festival is cooking up plenty of family fun in the month of September. Join…
  • 🎡 Blue Whale Comedy Fest! (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 10th Savor four days of hilarity when the Blue Whale Comedy Festival takes over Tulsa's Brady Arts District. Held at…
  • Both Sides Now: Joyce J. Scott & Sonya Clark (108|Contemporary - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 10th Start Time: 12:00pm
  • Day of Caring 2017 (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00am More than 5,000 volunteers are expected to work on hundreds of community service projects during the Tulsa Area United Way’s 26th annual Day of Caring on Friday, Sept. 8. The Day of Caring will begin at 7 a.m. with a free breakfast and program for volunteers at the downtown Central Library.
  • The Dirty River Boys (Mercury Lounge - Tulsa)
  • Tulsa Drillers versus NW Arkansas - PLAYOFF (ONEOK Field - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 10th Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🏆 Drillers vs Naturals (ONEOK Field - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Northwest Arkansas Naturals
  • Dr. Squealsgood W/ The Sex (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Eleanor Ray: Recent Paintings (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm
  • FRIDAYS IN THE LOFT CHAMBER SERIES: MOZART (Tribune Lofts - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm The opening of the 2017-2018 Fridays in the Loft Chamber Series will feature one of Mozart’s grandest works for woodwinds – Serenade No. 10 “Gran Partita.” Mozart composed three great wind serenades after settling into Vienna in 1781.
  • Friday Salon: Calidore String Quartet (Harwelden Mansion - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us for an special salon performance from the Calidore String Quartet in the histroic Harwelden Mansion! Enjoy complimentary hor d'oeuvres and wine and listen to a world-class string quartet in a beautiful, intimate setting. “The Calidore players performed with synergistic brilliance and ferocious commitment...” - The New York Times…
  • Identity & Inspiration and Game On! - Oklahoma superstar larger than life (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 10th Start Time: 11:00am
  • In-Quest: Aesthetics of Research (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Jeremy Hart (The United Pentecostals of Broken Arrow | 2PM - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Kyle Kinane (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Kyle Lacy & The Harlem River Noise (Soul City - Tulsa)
  • Leeland (First Baptist Church - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Liza Treyger & Gina Brillon (The Yeti Indoors - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:30pm w/ Shawna Blake, Katie Van Patten, & Aiko Tanaka Mature content. 21+ only. Buy a weekend or VIP pass to enjoy more shows for one price! Tickets available for purchase at the door day of show for this event [if not sold out].
  • MARLEY’S GHOST IN CONCERT (Woody Guthrie Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • MASK OFF w/ Byron Bowers (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00pm Curated show by Byron Bowers. Special guests include Aaron Wilder, Cameron Brewer, and more to be announced. This is a show you don't want to miss! Mature content. 18+ only. Buy a weekend or VIP pass to enjoy more shows for one price!
  • Mr. Burns, A Post-electric Play (IDL Ballroom - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 10th Host: Theatre Pops
  • Okie Homie Showcase w/ Evan Hughes (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 5:00pm BWCF will feature our amazing regional talent from Oklahoma, our Okie Homies! Want more comedy? Purchase a weekend pass or VIP pass and get more bang for your buck! Soundpony is a 21+ only venue.
  • Pie Night (Antoinette Baking Co. - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Podcast Taping: View From the Cheap Seats (previously Sklarbro Country) (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Want more comedy? Purchase a weekend pass or VIP pass and get more bang for your buck! Podcast guests tba. Mature content. Check out episodes of SklarBro Country here.
  • Restaurant Week Kickoff Pie Night (Antoinette Baking Co. - Tulsa) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • RHYMES & REASONS: THE MUSIC OF JOHN DENVER (Woody Guthrie Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 10th Start Time: 10:00am
  • 🎡 Second Fridays: Lindy in the Park (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • Spinster Show: Loafers, Lizzie Boredom, and Special Guest (Spinster Records - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • TOTO and Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo (River Spirit Casino - Tulsa)
  • 😂 Trixx (Loony Bin - Tulsa) 1 day left
  • When Is a Quilt Not a Quilt?, The Art of NEOWTA & Fiber Works 2017 (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 10th Start Time: 10:00am
  • Zach Short Band (The Hunt Club - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm

Saturday, Sep 9th

  • 2017 Comics to Watch (The Yeti Indoors - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm 5+ Comics that Blue Whale Comedy Festival suggests you check out. You do not want to miss this lineup! [Discounted tickets] Mature content. 21+ only. Buy a weekend or VIP pass to enjoy more shows for one price! Tickets available for purchase at the door day of show for this event [if not sold out].
  • American Miniature Horse Registry National Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 17th The American Miniature Horse Registry and American Shetland Pony Club are bringing their National Show to Tulsa’s…
  • AMHR Nationals (Expo Square: Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 17th
  • Bluegrass & Chili Festival (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Last Day Claremore's Bluegrass & Chili Festival is cooking up plenty of family fun in the month of September. Join…
  • 🎡 Blue Whale Comedy Fest! (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) 1 day left Savor four days of hilarity when the Blue Whale Comedy Festival takes over Tulsa's Brady Arts District. Held at…
  • Both Sides Now: Joyce J. Scott & Sonya Clark (108|Contemporary - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm
  • Brian Moses & Nick Vatterott (The Yeti Indoors - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:15pm w/ Stetson Banks, Joe Bates, and Ryan Green Mature content. 21+ only. Buy a weekend or VIP pass to enjoy more shows for one price! Tickets available for purchase at the door day of show for this event [if not sold out].
  • BrickUniverse (Cox Business Center - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Brick Universe is back with the Ultimate LEGO Fan Experience!!! This year's event will be 2x bigger!! Attractions will include: -Minifigure Caricatures -Brick Theater -Brick Market -Challenge Zone -Building Zone... and SO MUCH MORE!!! For more information, or to buy tickets, please visit BrickUniverse.
  • BrickUniverse LEGO Fan Convention (Cox Business Center - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Release your inner builder at BrickUniverse LEGO Fan Convention in Tulsa, the ultimate LEGO lover's paradise that…
  • Brujoroots (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🏃 Bubble Run 5K (NSU - Broken Arrow)
  • Cherry Street Farmers Market (Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 22nd Start Time: 7:00am
  • Tulsa Drillers versus NW Arkansas - PLAYOFF (ONEOK Field - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🏆 Drillers vs Naturals (ONEOK Field - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Northwest Arkansas Naturals
  • Eleanor Ray: Recent Paintings (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 12:00pm
  • Eugene Mirman (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Fossil Youth (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Rose Gold, Downward (formerly known as Dad. The Band), Goodfella, Forswear
  • 🏃 Gold Rush Walk and 5K (ORU Aerobics Center - Tulsa) The Gold4Kids Foundation of Tulsa serves Northeast Oklahoma, dedicated to helping children fighting cancer and their families by raising money for clinical trials and research projects at the local pediatric oncology clinic.
  • Identity & Inspiration and Game On! - Oklahoma superstar larger than life (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 11:00am
  • Industry Panel w/ Host Ryan Drake (Chimera Cafe - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:30am One of our favorite events of the festival! The industry panel offers a chance to hear from booking agents, comics, club owners, etc. Bring your questions! 2017 Special Guests: Ryan Drake (Host with the most) Lacy Applegate (Talent Buyer, West Siloam Springs Cherokee Casino) Genevieve Rice (Bird City Comedy Festival, Arizona) Andy Woodhull…
  • In-Quest: Aesthetics of Research (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Jacqueline Novak & Naomi Ekperigin + More (The Yeti Indoors - Tulsa) Start Time: 5:30pm Jacqueline Novak & Naomi Ekperigin w/ Patrick Hastie, Dan Marse-Kapr, & Landry Miller Mature content. 21+ only. Buy a weekend or VIP pass to enjoy more shows for one price! Tickets available for purchase at the door day of show for this event [if not sold out].
  • Jordan Rock & David Gborie (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm w/ Danish Maqpool and more Mature content. 18+. Buy a weekend or VIP pass to enjoy more shows for one price!
  • JT and the Dirtbox Waiters (The Hunt Club - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Kendall Whittier Mercado (Kendall-Whittier - Tulsa) Once a week, scope out handmade goods and pieces of art on display at the Kendall Whittier Mercado. Started in 2017,…
  • 🎡 LABAPALOOZA 2017 (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am
  • Late Late Breakfast [Brunch Event] (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 1:30pm Late Late Breakfast is the perfect comedy show for a weird Saturday afternoon. Expect anything and everything out of the ordinary, all of it held together by solid, hilarious stand-up comedy. Special guests to be announced soon! Brunch included with your ticket [more food/drink details to come]. Mature Content. 18+.
  • Let It Be Natural Arts Festival (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Head to beautiful Chandler Park in Tulsa for the Let It Be Natural Arts Festival. This one-day event is free to the…
  • Mr. Burns, A Post-electric Play (IDL Ballroom - Tulsa) 1 day left Host: Theatre Pops
  • Okie Homie Showcase w/ Tom King (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 4:30pm BWCF will feature our amazing regional talent from Oklahoma, our Okie Homies! Want more comedy? Purchase a weekend pass or VIP pass and get more bang for your buck! Soundpony is a 21+ only venue.
  • Oklahoma Avicultural Society's Exotic Bird Fair (Expo Square: Central Park Hall - Tulsa)
  • Oklahoma Gun Shows (Expo Square: Exchange Center - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 The Oklahoma Gun Show at Expo Square in Tulsa is sure to have the products you are looking for with a wide selection of…
  • Pearls on the Prairie (Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma - Tulsa) Start Time: 5:00pm Join Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma for a BBQ and Pearls on the Prairie. Support GSEOK and Camp Wah-Shah-She on September 9 at Prairie Song. We'll have live music with Distant Thunder, beer, wine, whiskey, a live auction, walking toors, a chili cook-off, stargazing and s'mores!
  • Pie Night (Antoinette Baking Co. - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Podcast Taping: Opinions Like A-Holes (Chimera Cafe - Tulsa) Start Time: 3:30pm This will be a live taping of local podcast, Opinions Like A-Holes. This is an all ages event, but be prepared for adult content.
  • RHYMES & REASONS: THE MUSIC OF JOHN DENVER (Woody Guthrie Center - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am
  • Second Saturday Architecture Tour (Tulsa) Take a fun and educational walking tour through downtown Tulsa the second Saturday of each month with the Tulsa…
  • The Sklar Brothers (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • SkyDance Kite Festival (Broken Arrow) Keep your eyes to the sky at the SkyDance Kite Festival in Broken Arrow. This free, family-friendly event brings…
  • 😂 Trixx (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Last Day
  • Wakeland (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • When Is a Quilt Not a Quilt?, The Art of NEOWTA & Fiber Works 2017 (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am

Sunday, Sep 10th

  • 2017 Tulsa College Connection (Expo Square: Central Park Hall - Tulsa)
  • American Miniature Horse Registry National Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 17th The American Miniature Horse Registry and American Shetland Pony Club are bringing their National Show to Tulsa’s…
  • AMHR Nationals (Expo Square: Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 17th
  • 🎡 Blue Whale Comedy Fest! (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Last Day Savor four days of hilarity when the Blue Whale Comedy Festival takes over Tulsa's Brady Arts District. Held at…
  • Both Sides Now: Joyce J. Scott & Sonya Clark (108|Contemporary - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 12:00pm
  • BrickUniverse (Cox Business Center - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Brick Universe is back with the Ultimate LEGO Fan Experience!!! This year's event will be 2x bigger!! Attractions will include: -Minifigure Caricatures -Brick Theater -Brick Market -Challenge Zone -Building Zone... and SO MUCH MORE!!! For more information, or to buy tickets, please visit BrickUniverse.
  • BrickUniverse LEGO Fan Convention (Cox Business Center - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Release your inner builder at BrickUniverse LEGO Fan Convention in Tulsa, the ultimate LEGO lover's paradise that…
  • Tulsa Drillers versus NW Arkansas - PLAYOFF (ONEOK Field - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🏆 Drillers vs Naturals (ONEOK Field - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:05pm vs Northwest Arkansas Naturals
  • Fantastic Negrito, Spoon Fed Tribe, & Carter Sampson (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Start Time: 2:30pm
  • Fitness on the Green: ZUMBA (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:30am
  • The Goobs + Planet What (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Identity & Inspiration and Game On! - Oklahoma superstar larger than life (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 11:00am
  • Jeremy Hart (The United Pentecostals of Broken Arrow | 2PM - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • Jeremy Hart (The United Pentecostals of Broken Arrow | 2PM - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 10:00am
  • Mr. Burns, A Post-electric Play (IDL Ballroom - Tulsa) Last Day Host: Theatre Pops
  • Oklahoma Gun Shows (Expo Square: Exchange Center - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 The Oklahoma Gun Show at Expo Square in Tulsa is sure to have the products you are looking for with a wide selection of…
  • Randy Crouch (The Hunt Club - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • RHYMES & REASONS: THE MUSIC OF JOHN DENVER (Woody Guthrie Center - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am
  • Tulsa Roots Rocks the Green (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Guthrie Green celebrates the end of summer with the Tulsa Roots Rocks the Green concert series. For five Sundays in a…
  • Suit Up JC Penny's (Woodland Hills Mall - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • Sunday Series: Calidore String Quartet (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 2:15pm Chamber Music Tulsa is proud to open it's 64th season with the award-winning Calidore String Quartet! “…the magic of the evening’s performance was the quartet’s ability to transform beautiful music into a dreamlike space.” – Classic 107FM, Winnipeg
    The expressive power of this quartet will sweep you away! Among the most celebrated…
  • When Is a Quilt Not a Quilt?, The Art of NEOWTA & Fiber Works 2017 (Hardesty Arts Center (AHHA) - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am

Monday, Sep 11th

Tuesday, Sep 12th

See Also

submitted by tulsanewsbot to tulsa [link] [comments]

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