NBA Best Bets Today - Who Should I Bet Tonight?

prop bets tonight nba

prop bets tonight nba - win

A Rookie's Place (a classic!)

The first time he walked into the locker room, and smiled his shy, irresistible smile, I was taken.
I looked over to see Tony’s reaction to the foreign rookie. He and Timmy were playfully wrestling with each other in the showers, and were just coming out, as Beno came in.
Tony stopped in his tracks, causing Timmy to run him over.
"Hey!" Timmy said, playfully pushing Tony out of the way. "What’s gotten into you?"
Poor Beno didn’t know what to do. He looked so forlorn and scared. Like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming Hummer.
I walked over to Rasho and dragged him towards the rookie.
"Hey, help me welcome Beno. You will help translate for me, yes?" I asked the taller Slav.
"Wait, let me see how much English he knows, I might not have to translate if he knows enough." Rasho put his hand on Beno’s shoulder.
I only knew a few words in Slovak, mostly curses I learned from Rasho when he was in foul trouble. I couldn’t understand anything, as they were speaking rapidly and not cursing each other.
"He says he knows quite a bit," Rasho told me, after showing Beno to his locker. "Just try talking to him?"
I nodded and turned towards the smaller Slav. I stopped dead, as I saw Tony already joking with him, and what was that? Patting his shoulder?
We really didn’t expect Beno to be this cute. But after that first practice with him, Tony and I were smitten.
We went out to lunch that day.
"I call the rookie!" Tony quickly exclaimed as soon as we climbed in my Lincoln Navigator. I didn’t even get a chance to start it.
"What?" I said, half smiling at Tony. "I was more than willing to help him out today, if you hadn’t been all over him."
"So now it’s a crime to welcome a new foreign player?" Tony teased. "C’mon you know what it’s like to be new and scared."
"I was never scared," I said, perhaps a bit too proudly.
"Oh, I forgot you’re the great Manu Ginobili," Tony poked my ribs. "Not afraid of anything. Not even the court floor."
"You would know about that, Tony." I leaned over and gave him a playful kiss on the lips, then drew away.
"Hey! Don’t go so soon, get back here." He pulled me over onto his lap.
"You know you should probably be on top, I am bigger than you."
"You’re right, I like being on top anyways," he said as he rearranged himself so that he was straddling me. We kissed softly before I pulled away, afraid that someone would catch us in the act.
"Maybe we should get going," I whispered.
"What’s wrong?"
"Nothing, I’m just starving," I said, moving over into the driver’s seat.
The trip to the restaurant was silent, but as soon as we sat down at our table, Tony looked ready to burst with conversation.
"So what do you think of the rookie?" he asked.
"I really didn’t get a chance to meet him because someone was all over him," I replied teasingly.
"It’s not my fault you weren’t quick enough," he said with a smile.
"And another thing, who says you get first dibs on him?"
"What does that mean?"
"You know exactly what it means. You already have Timmy, so why shouldn’t I get the new guy?"
"I bet I could get him into bed before you could!"
"Well why don’t you put your money where mouth is, hotshot," I said, getting more interested.
"Fine. If I get him first, then you have to be my cabana boy for a week," he said, giggling to himself.
"And what do I get if I win?"
"Whatever you little heart desires, Manu."
"Alright, let me think. Oh, I have the perfect idea," I said smiling to myself at the thought of it. "If I win, which I will, then you must come to my home and be my slave for a week."
"That doesn’t seem so bad," he said winking at me.
"While wearing a French maid’s outfit," I said with a laugh.
Tony blushed at the idea but agreed because either way we would both win and we would have fun collecting our rewards.
The next day at practice, it was on.
I cut Tony off in the parking lot to get the spot closest to the locker room entrance.
Tony shouted a few choice words in French, but I just smiled mischievously and waved, envisioning how good he’d look in his little maid outfit.
I ran into the locker room, showered and changed quickly, hoping to catch Beno sneaking a glance at me. He didn’t, he just kind of sat there staring at the floor waiting for Pop to call practice to start.
When Pop finally did, Beno quickly jumped up and ran out, before I could even offer to walk out with him.
Poor Beno.
During practice Pop was on him constantly, for little things. It seemed as though he was having such a difficult time adjusting to our style of play. I knew that in the European League, it was a lot different, and I could tell that Beno, if he didn’t get some help from us, would continue to struggle.
I called Tony to the side.
"Hey," I said slipping my arm around his waist. "Don’t you think Pop’s being a little rough on the rookie?"
"Well, I’m gonna get rough with him later…" he trailed off, watching Beno with a face full of lust.
"I’m serious," I said persistently.
"He’s gotta know that if he’s gonna be a Spur, he has to be perfect, like you, Mr. Ginobili."
I shrugged off that comment.
"I just think he could use the help of some of us with more…experience," I said tentatively.
Tony raised his eyebrows, and gave me a cute suggestive glance.
"Not that kind of experience," I said, chuckling and nudging him. "He looks like he could use a few friends to show him the ropes."
"Well, let’s show him some Texas hospitality then," he said as he swung around me and ran over to Beno.
After practice we went about our business, getting cleaned up and going over game plans with the other guys. I sat down after my shower to dry off when Tony scurried out of the shower and tackled Timmy playfully.
Seeing this, Beno sat next to me and said, "They must be very good friends, no?"
Grabbing the opportunity to get Tony off of the field, I answered, "Yes, best friends really. They seem to only want to be with each other."
"Oh," Beno said looking disappointed to hear that.
"But if you ever need a friend, I’m always here for you," I said, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and giving him a quick squeeze.
His face lit up after hearing this and I became very pleased, thinking that I had come closer to winning him over. We finished getting dressed in silence just listening to the other guys talking as I tried to get up the nerve to ask Beno over to my place for a drink and maybe more if all went well.
"Hey rookie," I called out, just as he was about to leave.
"Yeah?" he said, turning around.
"Well, I was just wondering if maybe you would like to talk more about what Pop is expecting from you this season?"
"Really? I would love to hear what someone like you thinks."
"Okay, grab your stuff and we’ll go over to my house."
He stumbled into my Navigator.
"I am sorry," he said, face burning, staring at a spot on the floor of my car. "Rasho’s car is much smaller to get into."
"You’ve been getting rides with Rasho?" I asked, giving him a sideways glance as I started my car.
"Yes, I do not have a car yet here. With the practices Pop has us playing, I have not had time to get a car," he paused, swallowing hard. "And, not to mention, I have no one to help me figure out San Antonio."
"Do you miss home?" I asked gently, putting a hesitant hand on his shoulder, all while stopping at a red light.
He reached up for my hand, grasped it firmly in his, and nodded with tears in his eyes.
Our moment was broken as a horn honked angrily behind us. I looked in my rear-view mirror to find Timmy’s Hummer, and Tony leaning over to honk the horn.
"Thanks Tony," I sardonically muttered under my breath.
The ride to my house was mostly silent, only punctured by my pathetic attempts at small talk. When we finally got to my house I was so nervous because I knew what was going to happen but I didn't know how Beno would react I still wasn’t completely sure if he would even be open to what I was going to offer him. And in a situation like that, one mistake and you could lose everything.
When we got inside, I headed to the fridge to grab a couple of beers. Alcohol always seemed to help in situations like these. I found Beno sitting on the couch looking around at pictures.
"Where is she?" he asked, holding up a picture of Marianela and I on our wedding day.
"Visiting family in Argentina," I said, taking the picture and handing him the beer as I sat down next to him. "So is there anyone back home that you miss?" I asked, hoping to get a little more insight into his personal life.
"My family, yes, I miss them a lot," he said with a sad smile.
"No, I mean like someone special to you that you miss?" I asked hesitantly.
He looked up at me with his gorgeous honey eyes and answered, "Yes, there was someone."
"Someone?" I leaned towards him, searching his face for further clues.
His face burned.
"Yes, someone," he sighed heavily, as he habitually rolled the warming beer in his hands before finally setting it down. "He was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me. I almost didn’t come here because of him. But now he is gone from my life."
"Oh, Beno," I breathed, as he collapsed against me, seeking a warm embrace.
"Manu," he whispered from my neck, "I do not know…" he trailed off.
"It’s okay. I’m here for you, I promise. I won’t hurt you."
My hands found his face, and I gently pulled him in, slowly, almost poetically…
I closed my eyes, defeated.
"Hold that thought," I said, carefully unlodging myself from Beno. "I’ll be right back," I assured a very confused-looking rookie.
I sprinted to the door, knowing who I’d find there.
"Manu!" Tony said, edging his way in.
"No, Tony," I said forcefully, blocking his entrance. "Just stop for a moment."
Quick on and off the court, he breezed past me, heading straight to my kitchen, where he knew he’d find a beer or two.
My mind raced. I couldn’t let him find Beno on the couch. As much fun as being his cabana boy sounded, I would much rather see him at my service in a skimpy French maid outfit.
I ran into the kitchen and nearly tackled Tony, forcing him up against my counters.
"Manu, mon amie," Tony said, giggling, "what’s gotten into you tonight?"
As quick as Tony was on his feet, I was just as swift with my hands. I ran them down his chest to his hips, promptly seducing him. I kissed him forcefully, not caring if I bruised his lips or bit his tongue.
Then I got a brilliant idea.
I broke the kiss. As Tony blindly leaned in for more, I stepped away from the counter I had pinned him against, nearly causing him to fall off.
I stripped off my warm-up shirt, and deftly blindfolded Tony before he knew what hit him.
"Just listen," I lifted him off the counter and grabbed his shoulders, steadying him "I’m gonna lead you to my room and I will be in after a while. Don’t take the blindfold off until you’re in there. Just go take a shower or run a bath or something, but do not come into the living room, no matter what. Got it?"
"I kinda like this, Manu," my small Frenchman said as I led him to my room, carefully avoiding the living room, where a certain rookie was still waiting.
"Then maybe I’ll do it again." I declared, kissing, biting, and sucking on his neck from behind. "Be good, Tony. I’ll be in soon."
I flung him onto my bed, then slammed the door shut.
I stood, leaning against the door for a moment, pondering my dilemma.
I had an eager Tony in my bedroom, and a scared, confused Beno in my living room. The question was, who was more important now?
I ambled into my living room.
"That was Tony?" Beno stared up at me, seeming not to care that I was now shirtless.
"Yes," I said heavily as I regained my seat on the couch. "You don’t have to stay, I mean I should’ve told you that Tony and I – well, we’re friends, almost like him and Timmy."
"You mean that, you and him have…been together?" he asked, looking over at me.
I nodded.
"Oh, I see," Beno said quietly.
After a few moments of silence—
"The whole team is like a family, but I have to wonder, where will my place be?"
"Come here, Beno," I pulled him over on top of me.
He laid his head on my bare chest for a moment. I tenderly stroked his hair, then he propped his head up.
"I want my place to be here, Manu, right here."
His hand found my cheek, his fingers shyly tracing my lips.
"You don’t need to worry about that." I laughed.
I smiled as I thought of Tony opening the bathroom door to find the outfit he’d be wearing for his week here, serving me and my Beno.
submitted by BootyGoonTrey to nbacirclejerk [link] [comments]

Heating Up DFS - January 13th Plays of the Game Breakdown: Sponsored by ThriveFantasy (7 Games)

Glad to be back and I have some massive news! Heating Up is now partnered with ThriveFantasy! They are a prop bet daily fantasy app that allows you to choose prop bets to accumulate points! Whoever gets the most points wins and there are some big payouts as well! I think all of you should check it out and new users who use the promo code HEATINGUP will have their first deposit (min. $20) 100% matched (up to $50). You essentially are getting twice the amount of money to play with and considering they have smaller field sizes, there is a lot of opportunity to hit it big! Everyone that uses the promo code is a huge boost for Heating Up and is very much appreciated!
If you enjoy the content, come follow us on Twitter and donate to your PayPal!
Thanks and Good Luck tonight!
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NBA Player Prop Betting Analysis

WARNING: If you are interested in data analysis and trying to beat the system then please proceed, but it is a long read with a lot of mathematical concepts.
Hey everyone! I am seeking some advice on an analysis program I have running on excel right now for NBA Player Prop bets. I am not able to share 100% of what I have, as I have worked very hard on it and believe it to be valuable; however, only time will tell. What I am wanting to do is get 3rd party opinions on how it is currently set up, and if anyone knows of any other variables I need to factor in, not implying that it is some new, awesome, unheard of analysis, but if you find it valuable and contribute to it in some way and would like access to it, then we can definitely make it happen!
So I got started with this because I saw an opportunity to analyze a player's season and career to make a statistical bet on whether X player would be undeover X state on something like FanDuel. After several days (I know that isn't the largest sample size), I was constantly winning and decided to make a program that would track statistics and other variables and let me know if the numbers offered by the betting sites were statistically probable to hit the under or the over. So now let me get into what all I have factored in so far and how it works.
So currently the file consists of the following tabs: defense, offense, injuries, home/away adjustment (still tinkering with this one), and finally each NBA team has their own tab.
**Defense**: This tab has live updated stats of how every team does on defense. This is separated into almost every statistical category: rebounds, assists, points, fg attempted, fg made, fg %, 3pt attempted, 3pt made, 3pt %, etc. I then took every team, averaged their numbers together for an NBA Team Average, and then divided each team's statistics by the league average to get a "Team Defense Rank". For example, if the Hawks average 105 points a game and the NBA Team Average is 100, then the Hawks points per game rank would result in a factor of 1.05 (we will come back to this). I did this for every statistic and team.
**Offense**: This tab has live updated stats just like the defense tab, except it is done on a player basis and the stats being per game. For example, KD averages 27 points per game, 48% FG per game, etc.
**Injuries**: This tab has live updated injuries and shows them on each Team's tab. What I mean by this (and will talk more about it in the team tab) is that each team tab has that team's roster. If a player is listed as injured (2 ways: day-to-day and out) then it gives you an insight on the betting. For example, tonight KD is not playing but Kyrie is. If I run all of my data and some bets say to take the over on Kyrie, you might REALLY want to take the over as Kyrie is likely to be more involved or maybe it concerns you that Brooklyn could get blown out thus Kyrie only plays limited minutes and so you decide not to place any bets on the game.
**Home/Away Adjustment**: This tab factors in how each player does at home vs away compared to their career averages which gives you a multiplication factor to use. For example, imagine Kyrie averages 20 points per game for his career, but it comes out as 18 ppg at away and 22 ppg at home. This would give you a factor of 0.9 for away games and 1.1 for home games. In theory, this means that when factoring in what bets to place on the Team tab, if Kyrie has a home game, then his average points per game (from the Offense tab) is then multiplied by the Home Factor (in the home/away adjustment tab) which would be the 1.10. You are essentially saying in this scenario that Kyrie will score 10% more points because he is playing at home. This number could be more or less depending on the player. I am only using this adjustment on a couple teams to see how it compares to the normal predicted points per game as far as accuracy goes.
Finally, the most important tab is the **Team** tab which each team has their own, and I will add a picture example for clarification.
On this tab, each player for that team has their own table, the first row is where their stats are pulled from the "Offense" tab. The second row of the table has their "predicted statistics" for a specific game. What I mean by this, is at the top of each team tab is a drop down menu where you select their opponent. The opponent selection changes how much of a factor each statistic is changed. So if the Nets are playing the Jazz tonight, the Jazz have a point factor of 0.96, which means in theory each player should only score 96% of their average points this season due to the Jazz having a slightly better defense than the NBA average. The Jazz have this defensive factor for every statistical category. The next row contains the "Gamble #'s", these are the numbers that fanduel has, for example: Kyrie Irving 24.5 points, oveunder, etc. I have a table at the bottom of the tab that allows for quick entry of this data versus constantly scrolling around the sheet looking for each person. The next row is "odds", this would be the odds of the bet that you decide to place, for example -110 +120, etc. The next row is the "Deviation" row. This row is the tricky part. What it does is takes the predicted statistic and subtracts the number that fanduel has and gives you a value. For example, if Kyrie is predicted to score 29.5 (his season average x the defensive factor his team is playing against) and Fanduel has him at 26.5, then this value would be 3 (predicted minus fanduel). The tricky part is giving this value a range for a "safe bet". We can use the above as an example, Kyrie has a deviation value of positive 3 which leads us to believe that he should score 3 points over the gamble number. This means that he is predicted to score 11.3% more than what fanduel has him at. I currently have the "deviation" row set with conditional formatting which is different for each category (points, rebounds, etc.). I have them set to 4 colors based on value ranges: red=no bet, gray=small bet, yellow=medium bet, and green=large bet. I do not want to say what I currently have them at (in case this program ends up valuable then that information itself is valuable), but we will make some numbers up. Let's say red is -10% - +10% this means that if the deviation row returns a value that is -10% - +10% of the Fanduel number, then the cell would change to red which tells me not to bet on that prop. Let's say gray is +- 10-15%, Kyrie's deviation from earlier was +11.3% so in that situation the cell would change to the color Gray letting me know that statistically speaking, I should place a small bet on Kyrie scoring over what Fanduel said. If this number returned -11.3% then that would let me know to place the bet on the under. The next row is "$ Bet" which is where I place the value of my bet, right now I am doing a standard 1, 2, 3 unit bet corresponding to gray, yellow, and green. The next row is the Win/Lose column, here I input a W or an L after the game is over based on whether the bet placed won or lost. The next row is the "Profit" which gives you how much you made off the bet. It automatically reads the win/lose column, if it is a W then it will calculate your odds and bet placed to give you your winnings. If it is an L, then it will automatically give you the - value of your bet as a loss. That is finally, all that is involved with the Player Table portion of this tab.
To the right side of the player portion of the tab is each player's own profit table. This table records each statistics profit on an overall basis. Meaning it adds and totals after every game of bets. This is hopefully to show me (in the long run) which players are consistently winning/losing, or maybe all players are have negative returns on the oveunder assists bets and I need to change the values of the "deviation" tab to a higher % because they aren't as safe as I am calculating them to be. These are added up with formulas and macros so very easy work. Under these profit tables is where I keep track of the total amount of wins, losses, total bets placed, accuracy of the bets on each player, and money made/loss on each player. These numbers are collected elsewhere to give a team by team basis and an overall excel sheet basis so I can see the big picture and make adjustments as needed. Finally, I also track each team's total bets and accuracy on a game by game basis and return them to a different table so I can see how I am doing day in and day out.
Lastly, I am also doing a few teams a little differently. I am only tracking 10 total teams right now as I am only 1 person. I am doing 5 teams as described above. I am also doing 5 different teams exactly as above with the exception of any returned deviations that are the color red, get a half unit bet rather than a no bet. I have noticed that a lot of the no bets are actually correct in what they predict, and so I am using these teams to see if bets by volume with some confidence might be safer than bets by better confidence with less volume.
I know this file is by no means perfect, but I do think it is a great place to start at and adjust as the NBA season moves forward. The NBA season has just started and that is going to skew a lot of the data which is why I am only tracking it for now instead of betting real money. For example, if Steph Curry scored 62 points in his 2nd game, then his ppg average for 2020-2021 would be skewed higher than it should be and would give my formulas false confidence that I should be betting on his Points per game over every time. I try and keep an eye out for this as I update the sheets with the bets "placed". Another variable that is difficult to overcome are the blowouts which there have been a lot of this year. If the Mavericks beat the Clippers by 50 (which they did) then there is a good chance that Paul George and Kawhi Leonard won't play as much as they normally would which most likely would lead to any bets placed on their overs to miss. I am not sure if there is some way to factor in a "chance of blowout" that would tell you on the team's sheet to avoid betting or not. Maybe you set a spread limit, and if a team is favored to lose or win by X amount of points, you stay away from them on the chance of a blowout. Maybe there is some way to factor in average minutes played instead of just average stats per game? I know I am probably missing more of my thoughts right now, but I would like to see what everyone thinks of this concept and if you have any ideas yourself to contribute to the sheet that might help the accuracy. Hope everyone stays safe this year, and let's have a good 2021!!!
EDIT: Maybe another way to get the deviation value is to do a % chance of winning the bet. Example, fanduel has Kyrie at 25.5 points. You have a formula in the predicted tab that instead taking his average statistic and multiplying it by the defense factor, it searches his statistics page on ESPN for this year and last year and cross references how many times he has scored over 25.5 points and how many times he hasn't and returns this number as a percentage. If that number is greater than 50% than it is statistically probable to happen. Maybe you cross reference this percentage with the percentage value that Fanduel has assigned the over bet to be valued at and if your percentage comes out higher than theirs, then you have a positive value bet?
EDIT: picture linked in comments, it is the Clippers which for them I am using the volume bet method so the red cells are half unit bets instead of a NO bet.
submitted by spenserra7 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

NBA - - PRIZE PICKS LOCKS - - for tonight (2/11/2021) from CheatSheetPros!

NBA Prize Picks Report from CheatSheetPros!
PrizePicks is a website that I’m fairly new too but using our DFS knowledge to parlay some player props is a ton of fun! For our projections we are taking their season average, last 15 game averages to determine a prize point per minutes which is similar to our fantasy point per minute approach. And then we are using an average of projected minutes and played minutes over recent games to level out any projected spikes.
Draymond Green – over 8.5 assists
I typically don’t venture into the “other stats” section but Draymond has put up 11, 10, 15 and 15 assists over the last 4 games so over 8.5 seems like a good shot to hit.
Jimmy Butler – over 43 Fantasy Points
The key on PrizePicks is to understand the scoring format. With AST at 1.5 and blocks/steals at +3 those are huge categories. Butler averages around 1-2 combined blocks/steals per game so that is 6 points right off the bat so now we need to find 37 other points. Real points he has put up 26, 17, 14, 19 and 25 so it’s safe to say he will be somewhere around 20 points give or take so that puts us now at around 26 fantasy points. AST are worth 1.5 and he has 10, 9, 9 and 9 the last 4 so if we projected him around the same number that is another +15 points so now we are up to 41 with a total of 43 that we are shooting for. REB are worth 1.2 and for the sake of this I’m just going to figure a point a board and he has 8, 10, 8 and 8 over the last 4 so if we give him a safe 8 REB that is 41+8 = 49 points going over the 43.
Now if you want to make it simpler you can see that we have him at 1.35 prize points per minute on the season and 1.42 prize points per minute over the last 15 days. He is averaging 34 minutes per game and projected for 36 minutes tonight. If we take a average and give him 35 minutes x 1.42 prize points per minute that brings us to 49.4 which crushes the 43 number set by PrizePicks. Worth a shot!
Pascal Siakam – over 39 Fantasy Points
Do you want the long or the short version for Siakam? 1.10 prize points per minute on the season and 1.29 over the last 15 days. His minutes are solid averaging 36 over the last 5 games and projected for 37 tonight. 36 minutes x 1.29 prize points per minute = 45.8 fantasy points going over his 39 projected number. If you use his season long average of 1.10 x 36 minutes that is still 41 fantasy points.
Delon Wright – over 26 Fantasy Points
Last 5 games with a 32 minute average per game and projected for 32 again so his minutes are safe. His prize point per minute on the season vs. last 15 is 0.97 and up to 1.04. I like to see players with a higher number over the last 15 games when taking “overs”. 32 minutes x 1.04 = 33 fantasy points going over the 26 number set by Prize Picks. With the Derrick Rose trade his minutes and projections just keep getting better. If we break down his individual games recently then I love the over here. Last game he had 22 points + (9 assists x 1.5) + (4 REB x 1.2) + (2 steals x 3) = 46.3 Fantasy Points. The game prior was over 40 points. The game prior to that he ONLY played 25 minutes, ONLY scored 5 real points but had 4 steals, 6 assists and 8 boards. That comes out to 5+12+9+9.6 = 35.6 points. Now it’s -1 for a turnover so add in a couple per game and we are still cruising over 26.
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Thanks for reading & good luck!
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Heating Up DFS - NBA January 14th Plays of the Game Breakdown: Sponsored by ThriveFantasy (5 Games)

While there aren't many games on the slate, it seems like there is still a lot of value to go around. My January 14th Plays of the Game Breakdown is now LIVE! Check it out for my favorite plays from each team, values/punts, and a few more to point you in the right direction. Not only that, but we are now partnered with Thrive Fantasy to allow you the opportunity to play DFS in a completely unique way! Thrive is a prop bet daily fantasy site that lets you compete against other to accumulate the most points based off of your selection of 10 props among the 20 they provide! It is a really cool concept and if you want to check it out, use promo code HEATINGUP while signing up to get your deposit doubled (up to $50). It is a huge help for me as well, so go give it a try and I hope to see a lot of you guys in the lobbies!
If you enjoy the content, come and follow us on Twitter and donate to our PayPal!
Thanks and Good Luck tonight!
submitted by 6milekyle to dfsports [link] [comments]

NBA Prop Bets

Betting History - This has our overall history of all our sports betting picks along with our open bets! - This not only includes our bets but has articles regarding sportsbetting! We are always open to suggestions, comments or questions!
Twitter - Pick of the Day - Our Twitter page that shows our favorite pick(s) of the day!
Tonight we have NBA prop bets for you and personally my favorite pick is for Domantas Sabonis to record a double-double. We may be adding more bets tonight so keep a look out for any updates!
submitted by Athverboy to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

CreateYourReality NBA Analysis and Picks 2/27

Hello everyone!!

I am back from my break after the NFL season and ready to get you into the summer with awesome, FREE, Wining NBA Analysis. Unlike last year I dont have as much free time so I don't think there will be as detailed analysis in each article and there definitely wont be an article every day, but so far my algo has been live since NFL 2018/19 and has won all 3 season it has made picks (NFL 18/19, NBA 18/19, and NFL 19/20), so lets keep this train rolling!
(Sidenote, I haven't posted an end of NFL 2019/20 yet. I will post that wrap up by the end of the week for anyone curious)
For everyone that has been riding the ride, this will be my last season of free bets. By the NFL season of 2020/21 my website will be operational and the algo's picks will be subscriber only.
On to this year. Good luck us! Lets check out today's slate:

Knicks @ 76ers (-6): Both of these teams are playing the second night of a back to back, with NY having the Road-Road spot and playing their third road game in a row. This line opened as high as 9 in some books, but with the injury and possible absence from tonight's game for Embiid coupled with the fact that Simmons is also injured, the line has dropped to 6/6.5 for most books.
Overall the 76ers have won thier last 11 against the Knicks and the Knicks are 1-10 in the second leg in their last 11 b2b spots. However with the 76ers playing shorthanded, and going 0-3 ATS in their last 3 against NY(all this year), the algo sees value on the NY side. Maybe even worth a sprinkle on the NY ml! Very important for this bet...Shop for your line! It should be obvious, as the line drops, value evaporates!
Also, given the context of both teams on a b2b and the favorite sitting star scorers, there is some value on the under. This could be a game script where NY gets an early lead and slows down the pace while Philly tries to claw back a home win...

Portland @ Indiana (-10): Portland is struggling right now without Lillard and the road only gets harder as tonight they enter a 3 game road trip. Indian has been quietly competing recently but have been extremely inconsistent offensively so looking at the total is out. With over 2/3 tickets on POR points and almost 4/5 tickets on POR ml I think this is a clear spot to fade the public. However, my algo says the biggest value on this game can be found in props. CJM has really exceeded his average output over the span of games DL has missed, averaging 32/6/11 with his normal numbers closer to 22/4/4. Most books are giving +odds on all his stats (PRA). My algo predicts the most value on his Assists which is currently at 7.5(+116)

Sacramento @ Oklahoma City (-6.5): Both teams are coming in hot with the Kings winning their last 3 and OKC winning their last 4. The algo is favoring the home team and the over but so is the public which always leaves me weary. Most of the Kings players have played down against OKC but surprisingly Bogdonovic has played well above his averages. Normally he plays the roll of perimeter guy that jacks up threes, but against the OKC D this year he has put in a lot more from inside the arc. I may be looking his way for points tonight, especially if this game follows the predicted scripts of an OKC win. I have low confidence in the OKC side so I will probably avoid or throw the SAC ml in a BBDLS.

Los Angelo's @ Golden State (+10.5): This is an interesting one. The Lakers are coming off a big win vs New Orleans where Lebron dropped 40. However, he will be sitting in this game for rest... On the flip side, GS is getting back Draymond which should be a productivity boost. My algo saw value on the GS points and ML but as it drops it makes it harder to take. Green came back after the AS break to only post 4 points against HOU but on the season he averages 8 and in his last (and only this year) meeting with LA he put up 10. Tonight his total is 7.5 Ill probably stay away from the total but if it climbs back up above 12 before game time I might grab it.

Note: We have 7.5u of FreeBets leftover from NFL to use. They expire March 1st so I will use them for something before then. Probably a gambly parlay with an underdog play if we can find some marginal value

Today's Singles (Overall Total: 0-0, 0U) All bets without a wager listed are to win 1u @ -110
Basic Parlay (0-0, 0U) and BIG BOY DADDY LONG SHOT PARLAY (0-0, 0U)
Teaser (0-0, 0u)

Thanks for reading, good luck to all!
submitted by CreateYoureReality to CreateYoureReality [link] [comments]

NBA daily 11-19 (Mon)

+ PACERS -3 WIZARDS 178.5 7:05 PM
BUCKS -5 BOBCATS 197 7:05 PM
+ MAGIC HAWKS -10 187 7:35PM
+ WARRIORS MAVS -5.5 199 8:35 PM
CLIPPERS SPURS -4.5 199 8:35 PM
+ ROCKETS JAZZ -7 196.5 9:05 PM
submitted by murrayyyyy to sportsbook [link] [comments]

3/02 Free Betting Predictions, Tips, Advice and Trends! MLB Spring Training Free Play Today!

3/02 Free Betting Predictions, Tips, Advice and Trends! MLB Spring Training Free Play Today!

3/02 Free Betting Predictions, Tips, Advice and Trends! MLB Spring Training Free Play Today!

Get in on the March Madness Marathon - $325 Gets The Pre-Filled March Madness Bracket + All MAC's Picks through March including all Red Alerts and Special Release Plays - all members get a official stress reliever squeeze ball that will save your fingers from all the college hoops nail biter games!

Contact: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Phone: THE RED LINE - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613)
The Red Line - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613) - Text The Red Line to get a free exclusive release prediction.
Follow The MAC on Social Media:
MAC Media:
The Reddit Sports Report
The Red Alert Report
(NEW) - The NBABETS Sub-Reddit - Picks, Trends, Odds, on the very best NBA Games!
The MAC'S Instant Access Red Pass: 1 Day Only Access RED PASS: $14.99 - Pay By Phone: Call The Red Line & Follow Automated Instructions (Payments Processed via © Stripe)
(MAR 02) - MAC will be getting it done the way it's supposed to be done with 3 special release games on tap tonight! 1 NHL Major Move Alert - 7:38 Colorado Avalanche vs Detroit Red Wings & 2 Exclusive NCAAB Plays - HUSH MONEY ACTION - 9:00 Texas Tech +7.5 vs Baylor -7.5 + A Backroom Info Angle that will be another classic example of why they dub Roland MAC McGuillaman the most venerable betting source on the internet - There's a reason THE MAC has been dubbed THE PAYMASTER by bookmakers this college basketball season, picking games against the spread & sending a signal through the noise!

3/02 - 3 Top Rated & Exclusive Release Plays + 3 Red Alert Picks - 55 UNITS

Special Release Plays: 30 UNITS

  • 9:00 NCAAB Hush Money Pick - Texas Tech +7.5 vs Baylor -7.5
  • 7:30 NCAAB Backroom Info Play - MD Eastern Shore +2 vs Howard -2
  • 7:38 NHL Major Move Alert - Colorado Avalanche vs Detroit Red Wings
1 Month of all access $25.00


  • 7:00 NC State +12.5 vs Duke -12.5
  • 8:30 Alabama A&M Bulldogs vs Prairie View A&M Panthers
  • 7:30 Memphis Grizzlies +2 vs Atlanta Hawks -2
Red Alert Patreon Members now get The MAC'S personal wagers as a units per play system, betting the strongest information and games with odds that have very best optimal value/risk reward. The Mac will once again prove why they continuously acclaim him to be a National Treasure as he will cracking them open and cleaning them out with 3 Red Alerts Picks Tonight! NBA Red Alert - 7:30 Memphis Grizzlies +2 vs Atlanta Hawks -2 + 2 Big Game Red Alert CBB Picks and for Top Rated Patrons, MAC is moving heavy on special release action, 2 CBB bets and a NHL Major Move Alert on the Colorado Avalanche vs Detroit Red Wings total set at 5.5! Roland is anticipating a huge rebound day, and Red Alerts Picks are cash in the bank making interest!
The NBABETS Sub-Reddit - (Free Play: Russell Westbrook will have more PTS than Giannis Antetokounmpo and Luka Doncic tonight +170)
MAC GOT HIS LAST NIGHT - CBB HUSH MONEY ACTION NOW 37-15 FOR THE SEASON - MAC will be getting it done the way it's supposed to be done with 3 special release games on tap tonight! 1 NHL Major Move Alert - 7:38 Colorado Avalanche vs Detroit Red Wings & 2 Exclusive NCAAB Plays - HUSH MONEY ACTION - 9:00 Texas Tech +7.5 vs Baylor -7.5 + A Backroom Info Angle that will be another classic example of why they dub Roland MAC McGuillaman the most venerable betting source on the internet. The MAC has been picking off games all season and March Madness is his specialty, ripping down office pools and NCAAB March Madness Contests is just what the MAC does.
9:00 - NCAAB Hush Money Pick - Texas Tech +7.5 vs Baylor -7.5
Tonight's The Mac has a Big 12 Hush Money game play on the Red Raiders vs Baylor Bears! The Red raiders are 18 - 11 (3 - 6 Road) with a ATS record of 13 - 16 - 0(4 - 5 - 0 Road). The Baylor Bears are ranked second in the Big 12 standings and 4th over all while holding a ATS record of 18 - 10 - 0 (7 - 7 - 0 Home). Both teams are hunting for a championship and with Baylor having their last game against West Virginia this game could make a big difference for both teams. The Bears are 7-1 ATS in their last 8 games following a ATS loss and are 4-0 ATS in their last 4 home games vs. a team with a losing road record. Texas Tech Red Raiders are 5-2 ATS in their last 7 games as a road underdog but are 1-4 ATS in their last 5 games overall.
The stock market is crashing and MAC's answering back with the very best college basketball sports investments available - MAC has the play at Patreon and on the Red Pass tonight - $25.00 Gets all MAC's Top Rated & Special Release Picks for 1 Month - $25.00 1 Month of all exclusive info CBB picks!
Tonight our Top Rated Exclusive Play Members will be getting in on MAC'S NCAAB MAJOR MOVE PLAY on the 4:00 SOUTHERN MISS vs UTEP O/U 129 USA Conference show down plus all of tonight's Red Alert College Basketball & NBA Predictions.
THE MAC HAS NBA GAME RED ALERT PLAY - 7:30 Memphis Grizzlies +2 vs Atlanta Hawks -2 a Low Key NBA Game - A 5 UNIT play that holds the value we strive for when researching odds, trends and stats - MAC has been hitting the NBA Action hard and averaging around 63% this year for NBA bettors.
  • Hawks are 5-1-1 ATS in their last 7 home games vs. a team with a losing road record.
  • Hawks are 8-2-1 ATS in their last 11 home games.
  • Grizzlies are 6-13 ATS in the last 19 meetings in Atlanta.
  • Grizzlies are 1-4 ATS in their last 5 after scoring 100 points or more in their previous game.

(MAR 02) Monday's Free Special Wager Picks Below!

THE MAC'S TOP RATED RELEASE COLLEGE BASKETBALL RED ALERT PLAYS ARE UNSTOPPABLE THIS YEAR! - NCAAB Backroom Info Play - MD Eastern Shore +2 vs Howard -2 - (A mismatch game + A telling line = CBB CASH $) + Free MLB Spring Training Winner Today!
Red Alert Wagers SS LLC Exclusive Releases & Red Alert Free Plays exhibit why Roland "The Roarin MAC" McGuillaman's reputation as THE PAYMASTER is galvanized in the gambling underworld as a dangerous low key sharp! He doesn't know where you been, but The MACS been dicking down the sports betting game since the Star Dust was the place to get a high end hooker and a cocktail! Baseball is almost back and MAC has a lean on the Philadelphia Phillies +110 vs Atlanta Braves -130 6:00 Spring Training game + 2 Basketball MAC ATTACK Picks and some look ahead Exclusive MMA Releases today! March Madness is getting closer and MAC has been the man to go to for brackets, bust open your office pools and take all you're dorky co-workers cash with professional top rated March Madness Picks and Vegas tournament grade CBB bracket.
CBB RED ALERT PLAY (MAR 02) - (7:30 Memphis Grizzlies +2 vs Atlanta Hawks -2)
CBB RED ALERT PLAY (MAR 02) - (7:00 NC State +12.5 vs Duke -12.5)
CBB RED ALERT PLAY (MAR 02) - (8:30 Alabama A&M Bulldogs vs Prairie View A&M Panthers)
Special Release Plays
NHL MAJOR MOVE (MAR 02) - (7:38 Colorado Avalanche vs Detroit Red Wings)
NCAAB BACKROOM INFO (MAR 02) - (7:30 MD Eastern Shore +2 vs Howard -2)
CBB HUSH MONEY PLAY (MAR 02) - (9:00 Texas Tech +7.5 vs Baylor -7.5)


**Build your own personal player prop-parlay at MyBookie*\*
FUN PLAY 2 TEAM MIX GAME PARLAY (MAR 02) - (MLB - Philadelphia Phillies +110 vs CBB - Duke -12.5)
FREE PLAYER PROP PARLAY (MAR 02) - (Russell Westbrook will have more PTS than Giannis Antetokounmpo and Luka Doncic tonight +170)
EXCLUSIVE MMA EASY MONEY - UFC 248 (MAR 07) - (Joanna Jedrzejczyk +159)
submitted by TheMACSPicks to nbabetting [link] [comments]

Tonight's NCAAB Hush Money Play - NO. Colorado -6 vs Montana State +6 - (Another quiet game + A telling line = CBB CASH $)

Tonight's NCAAB Hush Money Play - NO. Colorado -6 vs Montana State +6 - (Another quiet game + A telling line = CBB CASH $)

Player Prop Builder
3/07 - Free Betting Predictions, Tips, Advice and Trends - MAC's MMA Exclusive Picks
Website: Contact: [email protected] Become a Member - Join The Patreon - $25 Text THE RED LINE For Tonight's Free MAC ATTACK PLAYS! Phone: THE RED LINE - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613) Follow The MAC on Social Media: MAC Media: The Reddit Sports Report The Red Alert Report The NBABets Sub-Reddit
(MAR 07) Saturday's Free Special Wager Picks Below!

THE MAC'S TOP RATED RELEASE COLLEGE BASKETBALL RED ALERT PLAYS ARE UNSTOPPABLE THIS YEAR! - Tonight's NCAAB Hush Money Play - NO. Colorado -6 vs Montana State +6 - (Another quiet game + A telling line = CBB CASH $) + MAC's Free MLB Spring Training Picks Today!

March Madness Marathon -
Red Alert Wagers SS LLC Exclusive Releases & Red Alert Free Plays exhibit why Roland "The Roarin MAC" McGuillaman's reputation as THE PAYMASTER is galvanized in the gambling underworld as a dangerous low key sharp! He doesn't know where you been, but The MACS been dicking down the sports betting game since the Star Dust was the place to get a high end hooker and a cocktail! Baseball is almost back and MAC will be throwing his lucky lean out everyday until opening day! Yesterday's Play - San Diego Padres -130 Spring Training Game - Winner - Final 3-4! Today's MAC ATTACK Picks are below along with some look ahead Exclusive MMA Releases that are easy money! March Madness is getting closer and MAC has been the man to go to for brackets, bust open your office pools and take all you're dorky co-workers cash with professional top rated March Madness Picks and Vegas tournament grade CBB bracket. has revamped the Patreon! - NEW Membership Tiers - $25 1 Month of MAC'S exclusive information personal wagers, what games to move heavy on and what games to move minor on, play and watch how a professional sports betting expert spreads his units, either you're betting with us or just haven't heard The Roland Roarin Mac McGuillaman ROAR - Join Now - $25.00 Top Rated + Special Release Action
Join the Patreon - Starting @ $7 a month for Premium Red Alert Picks - Or take a 1 day ride with our Instant Access Red Pass - (1 Day Red Pass: $14.99)
Red Pass Pay by Phone Access: Call The Red Line - Toll Free @ 1-844-334-2613 Follow Automated Instructions to gain access to our 1 Day Red Pass, once payment verification is confirmed, a access link will be text messaged to your phone, follow the link after payment. (Payments Processed via © Stripe)
Not only is Roland calling games like a savage, The Mac is making record breaking earnings in 2020 - College Hoops Action is now hitting 73% and growing, hunting for the very best selections and odds is time consuming, chasing sharps and getting sportsbook alerts when whales lay heavy is a full time job, has been in the sports betting business to be in the sports betting business - PATREON MEMBERSHIPS START @ $7.00 - Red Alert Plays - All Games are released to the public the next day + MAC puts out a daily recap newsletter with free predictions and trends for the best games on the board!
Red Alert Patreon Members now get The MAC'S personal wagers as a units per play system, betting the strongest information and games with odds that have very best optimal value/risk reward. The Mac will once again prove why they continuously acclaim him to be a National Treasure as he will cracking them open and cleaning them out with 3 Red Alerts Picks Tonight! Roland is anticipating a huge CBB day, and Red Alerts Picks are cash in the bank making interest!
Premium Play & Top Rated Release earnings are up substantially, College Hoops Plays are more than impressive this year, and tonight's CBB Action is set to go our direction. The MAC has a full card today and he is getting the all the geetus with conviction, he did his homework and is keeping open lines of discourse between his consensus groups and other affiliated player syndicates across the country. There's a reason THE MAC has been dubbed THE PAYMASTER by bookmakers this college basketball season, picking games against the spread & sending a signal through the noise!
(MAR 07) MAC's Exclusive Release Plays - NCAAB HUSH MONEY ACTION + CBB MAJOR MOVE ALERT PLAY - MAC will be getting it done the way it's supposed to be done with 2 Exclusive release games on tap tonight - 6:00 - NCAAB Hush Money NO. Colorado -6 vs Montana State +6 - This will be another classic example of why they dub Roland MAC McGuillaman the most venerable betting source on the internet. 10:00 - CBB Major Move Alert San Francisco -3 vs Pacific +3 - A Pay Master Special Release with consensus backed information- The MAC has been picking off games all season and March Madness is his specialty, ripping down office pools and NCAAB March Madness Contests is just what the MAC does.
LAST NIGHT PLAY RECAP - Check the Patreon for last night's play recap -
The stock market is crashing and MAC's answering back with the very best college basketball sports investments available - MAC has the play at Patreon and on the Red Pass tonight - $25.00 Gets all MAC's Top Rated & Special Release Picks for 1 Month - $25.00 1 Month of all exclusive info CBB picks!
6:00 - NCAAB Hush Money NO. Colorado Bears vs Montana State Bobcats
Roland's been playing and fading these teams for years, knowing when to lay or take points with teams like the Seawolves, Gaels, River Hawks, & Governors has aggrandized THE MAC's reputation for his college hoops Hush Money Plays. This will be another game out of the public eye that will produce the quiet profits we expect. We pride our action by bringing the results that keep the people recommending THE MAC'S ATS COLLEGE BASKETBALL PICKS, making him one of the most venerable sources for expert college basketball predictions against the spread, and lionizing in and around sportsbooks and casinos!
Tonight our Top Rated Exclusive Play Members will be getting in on MAC's CBB Major Move Alert on San Francisco -3 vs Pacific +3, plus all of tonight's Red Alert College Basketball & NBA Predictions.
THE MAC HAS CBB GAME RED ALERT PLAY - 7:00 - Albany NY +7.5 vs Stony Brook -7.5 a highly anticipated CBB Game - Another Big 15 UNIT play that holds the value we strive for when researching odds, trends and stats - MAC has been hitting the CBB Action hard and averaging around 72% this year for our CBB betting members.
Great Danes are 5-1-1 ATS in their last 7 road games vs. a team with a home winning % of greater than .600.
Great Danes are 1-3-1 ATS in their last 5 games as a road underdog.
Seawolves are 1-4-1 ATS in their last 6 games as a home favorite.
Seawolves are 16-5-2 ATS in their last 23 games following a straight up loss.
College Basketball Season is how we're making money, with dozens of games going off it's not easy for the average bettor to find a decent game to bet on, that's what is here for, we hit the angles and have the resources. Our Sports Consensus Groups are now focused on March Madness and we will be picking off NBA & NHL special release plays as we go! sports betting predictions are going the distance and there is no finish line!!
Special Release Plays: 25 UNITS
6:00 - NCAAB Hush Money NO. Colorado -6 vs Montana State +6
10:00 - CBB Major Move Alert San Francisco -3 vs Pacific +3
Red Alert Plays: 25 UNITS
7:00 - Albany NY +7.5 vs Stony Brook -7.5
8:00 - St. Bonaventure +5 vs Saint Louis -5
11:00 - Stanford +7.5 vs Oregon -7.5
CBB MAC ATTACK PICK (MAR 07) - (Murray State +3)
CBB MAC ATTACK PICK (MAR 07) - (Cincinnati -10.5)
CBB MAC ATTACK PLAY (MAR 07) - (Massachusetts +3)
FUN PLAY 2 TEAM MIX GAME PARLAY (MAR 07) - (NBA - Detroit Pistons +8 + CBB - Massachusetts +3)
FREE PLAYER PROP PARLAY (MAR 07) - (NBA + CBB - James Harden HOU@CHA will have more total rebounds than Damian Lillard SAC@POR Braxton Key LOU@UVA +110) - MyBookie Player Prop Maker
EXCLUSIVE MMA EASY MONEY - UFC 248 (MAR 07) - (Joanna Jedrzejczyk +159)
EXCLUSIVE MMA EASY MONEY - UFC 248 (MAR 07) - (Yoel Romero - Ko, Tko, Dq Or Submission +250)
submitted by OpenVisionZ to SportsReport [link] [comments]

3/04 - Free Betting Predictions, Tips, Advice and Trends! MLB Spring Training Free Play Today!

3/04 - Free Betting Predictions, Tips, Advice and Trends! MLB Spring Training Free Play Today!
3/04 - Free Betting Predictions, Tips, Advice and Trends! MLB Spring Training Free Play Today!

Daily Free MAC ATTACK Plays Below!

Contact: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Become a Member - Join The Patreon - $25
Phone: THE RED LINE - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613)
Follow The MAC on Social Media:
MAC Media:
The Reddit Sports Report
The Red Alert Report
The NBABets Sub-Reddit
The MAC'S Instant Access Red Pass: 1 Day Only Access RED PASS: $14.99 - Pay By Phone: Call The Red Line & Follow Automated Instructions (Payments Processed via © Stripe)


Red Alert Patreon Members now get The MAC'S personal wagers as a units per play system, betting the strongest information and games with odds that have very best optimal value/risk reward. The Mac will once again prove why they continuously acclaim him to be a National Treasure as he will cracking them open and cleaning them out with 3 Red Alerts Picks Tonight! Roland is anticipating a huge CBB day, and Red Alerts Picks are cash in the bank making interest!
Premium Play & Top Rated Release earnings are up substantially, College Hoops Plays are more than impressive this year, and tonight's CBB Action is set to go our direction. The MAC has a full card today and he is getting the all the geetus with conviction, he did his homework and is keeping open lines of discourse between his consensus groups and other affiliated player syndicates across the country. There's a reason THE MAC has been dubbed THE PAYMASTER by bookmakers this college basketball season, picking games against the spread & sending a signal through the noise!
(MAR 04) MAC GOT HIS LAST NIGHT - CBB HUSH MONEY ACTION NOW 39-15 FOR THE SEASON - MAC will be getting it done the way it's supposed to be done with 1 Exclusive release game on tap tonight - NCAAB Hush Money Play - 7:00 Massachusetts +1 vs La Salle -1, will be another classic example of why they dub Roland MAC McGuillaman the most venerable betting source on the internet. The MAC has been picking off games all season and March Madness is his specialty, ripping down office pools and NCAAB March Madness Contests is just what the MAC does.
LAST NIGHT RECAP - 9:00 - NCAAB Hush Money Pick - Appalachian State -2 vs UL - Monroe +2
(The Mac had a Sun Belt Hush Money play on Appalachian State -2 last night! The Appalachian State Mountaineers got it done with a final of 61-57. These are the quiet games that we have been nailing all season, games that are out of the public betting eye are the easy plays that make MAC's Hush Money Predictions platinum rated across the country. ) - \*WINNER*\**
The stock market is crashing and MAC's answering back with the very best college basketball sports investments available - MAC has the play at Patreon and on the Red Pass tonight - $25.00 Gets all MAC's Top Rated & Special Release Picks for 1 Month - $25.00 1 Month of all exclusive info CBB picks!
Roland's been playing and fading these teams for years, knowing when to lay or take points with teams like the Seawolves, Gaels, River Hawks, & Governors has aggrandized THE MAC's reputation for his college hoops Hush Money Plays. This will be another game out of the public eye that will produce the quiet profits we expect. We pride our action by bringing the results that keep the people recommending THE MAC'S ATS COLLEGE BASKETBALL PICKS, making him one of the most venerable sources for expert college basketball predictions against the spread, and lionizing in and around sportsbooks and casinos!
Tonight our Top Rated Exclusive Play Members will be getting in on MAC'S NCAAB MAJOR MOVE PLAY on the 8:00 - NCAAB Hush Money Play - Massachusetts +1 vs La Salle -1, plus all of tonight's Red Alert College Basketball & NBA Predictions.
THE MAC HAS NBA GAME RED ALERT PLAY -7:00 - Clemson +1.5 vs Virginia Tech -1.5 a highly anticipated CBB Game - A Big 5 UNIT play that holds the value we strive for when researching odds, trends and stats - MAC has been hitting the CBB Action hard and averaging around 72% this year for our CBB betting members.
  • Tigers are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games overall.
  • Tigers are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games vs. a team with a winning straight up record.
  • Tigers are 10-4 ATS in their last 14 games following a straight up win.
  • Tigers are 5-2 ATS in their last 7 road games vs. a team with a winning home record.
  • Tigers are 12-5 ATS in their last 17 games as an underdog.
College Basketball Season is how we're making money, with dozens of games going off it's not easy for the average bettor to find a decent game to bet on, that's what is here for, we hit the angles and have the resources. Our Sports Consensus Groups are now focused on March Madness and we will be picking off NBA & NHL special release plays as we go! sports betting predictions are going the distance and there is no finish line!!

The MAC is cocked, locked, & loaded as he has received what people call the industry standard of advice from national sports syndicates and consensus groups across the country MAC's CBB RED ALERTS are only available on and are included in the 1 Day Red Pass!Special Release Play: 10 UNITS7:00 Massachusetts +1 vs La Salle -1RED ALERT PLAYS - 15 UNITS7:00 - Clemson +1.5 vs Virginia Tech -1.57:30 - Morehead State +2 vs Tennessee State -29:30 - Jacksonville State +2 vs Eastern Illinois -2

(MAR 04) Wednesday's Free Special Wager Picks Below!
THE MAC'S TOP RATED RELEASE COLLEGE BASKETBALL RED ALERT PLAYS ARE UNSTOPPABLE THIS YEAR! - Last Night's NCAAB Hush Money Play - Appalachian State -2 - (Another mismatch game + A telling line = CBB CASH $) + Free MLB Spring Training Picks Today!
Red Alert Wagers SS LLC Exclusive Releases & Red Alert Free Plays exhibit why Roland "The Roarin MAC" McGuillaman's reputation as THE PAYMASTER is galvanized in the gambling underworld as a dangerous low key sharp! He doesn't know where you been, but The MACS been dicking down the sports betting game since the Star Dust was the place to get a high end hooker and a cocktail! Baseball is almost back and MAC will be throwing his lucky lean out everyday until opening day! Today's Play - 8:05 Los Angeles Dodgers -1.5 +105 Spring Training Game! Today's MAC ATTACK Picks are below along with some look ahead Exclusive MMA Releases that are easy money! March Madness is getting closer and MAC has been the man to go to for brackets, bust open your office pools and take all you're dorky co-workers cash with professional top rated March Madness Picks and Vegas tournament grade CBB bracket. has revamped the Patreon! - NEW Membership Tiers - $25 1 Month of MAC'S exclusive information personal wagers, what games to move heavy on and what games to move minor on, play and watch how a professional sports betting expert spreads his units, either you're betting with us or just haven't heard The Roland Roarin Mac McGuillaman​ ROAR - Join Now - $25.00 Top Rated + Special Release Action
Not only is Roland calling games like a savage, The Mac is making record breaking earnings in 2020 - College Hoops Action is now hitting 73% and growing, hunting for the very best selections and odds is time consuming, chasing sharps and getting sportsbook alerts when whales lay heavy is a full time job, has been in the sports betting business to be in the sports betting business - PATREON MEMBERSHIPS START @ $7.00 - Red Alert Plays - All Games are released to the public the next day + MAC puts out a daily recap newsletter with free predictions and trends for the best games on the board!
Special Release Plays: 10 UNITS
NCAAB Hush Money Pick - 7:00 Massachusetts +1 vs La Salle -1
Red Alert Plays: 15 UNITS
7:00 Clemson +1.5 vs Virginia Tech -1.5
7:30 Morehead State +2 vs Tennessee State -2
9:30 Jacksonville State +2 vs Eastern Illinois -2
CBB MAC ATTACK PICK (MAR 04) - (Georgia Tech -6)
CBB MAC ATTACK PICK (MAR 04) - (St. Josephs +11.5) NBA MAC ATTACK PLAY (MAR 04) - (Chicago Bulls +3)
**FREE DAILY FUN PLAY TEASER & PARLAY PICKS*\* FUN PLAY 2 TEAM MIX GAME PARLAY (MAR 04) - (MLB - Los Angeles Dodgers -1.5 +105 vs NBA - Chicago Bulls +3)
Build your own personal player prop-parlay at MyBookie FREE PLAYER PROP PARLAY (MAR 04) - (NBA Giannis Antetokounmpo IND@MIL will have more points than Luka Doncic NO@DAL and Bradley Beal WAS@POR +235)
More Free Plays and Predictions at
submitted by TheMACSPicks to SportsReport [link] [comments]

Would the current Philadelphia 76ers with LeBron James be the best team in the East right now? Would they have made the Jimmy Butler grade if LeBron had signed with them over the summer?

*Trade. Not grade. Please excuse my spelling mistake it's 2:00AM.
The potential Philadelphia 76ers starting lineup if LeBron James had signed with them this summer.
Gonna preface this with the statement that I am not a 76ers fan. I play a lot of daily fantasy NBA for money and do a lot of prop betting as we'll year-round so the NBA is almost always on my mind. Tonight, instead of going to bed and having an amount of sleep that a medical professional might consider "the bare minimum" I found myself thinking about the Philadelphia 76ers.
They have the building blocks for an amazing future with Ben Simmons, Joel Embiid, and, possibly, Jimmy Butler if they manage to re-sign him. But a question has been haunting me: What if LeBron James had signed with the 76ers this past summer? If he did, would they have gone as far to trade Robert Covington and Dario Saric for Jimmy Butler?
In my opinion, those four on the same team would come out of the East easily. I don't think any other team could take them past 6 games. You have the best player in basketball, a prototype of him running point, an absolute monster in the paint at center, an elite closer at the wing, and a knock down 3pt shooter to pass to.
The rotations would be a thing of beauty as well if Brett Brown could figure it out. You could have it so there is always an elite ball handler on the court (James, Simmons, and/or Butler). Once you deside to rest LeBron and Embiid you can put Chandler and Muscala out there with Simmons to stretch the floor. There are so many things this hypothetical team could do they'd likely be on cruise control the entire regular season.
They'd also be a prime landing spot for any veterans who are bought out by their teams halfway through the season. So any Trevor Ariza-like candidates would see this team and think they can be that missing piece for them.
Many have also asked the question if LeBron James could co-exist with Ben Simmons, due to Ben Simmons' inability to shoot beyond 20 feet. To those I'd like to point out one Lonzo Ball. Who has, contrary to popular belief, been getting his numbers. The only reason they've been so low is because, up until recently, Walton refused to play Lonzo over 30 minutes and would play him in weird 4-5 minute stints.
This hypothetical team would most likely be the best team in the East. I don't know man, I think I just miss LeBron being in the East. I hate staying up till 10:30 to watch his games and go to bed at 2:00 once they're over. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
submitted by AndyJPuente to nba [link] [comments]

MAC is going to get it done the way it's supposed to be done tonight, our NCAAB HUSH MONEY PLAY - (VMI +16 vs FURMAN -16)

MAC is going to get it done the way it's supposed to be done tonight, our NCAAB HUSH MONEY PLAY - (VMI +16 vs FURMAN -16)
MAC is going to get it done the way it's supposed to be done tonight, our NCAAB HUSH MONEY PLAY - (VMI +16 vs FURMAN -16) will be another classic example of why they dub Roland MAC McGuillaman the most venerable betting source on the internet!
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CreateYoureReality NBA Analysis and Picks 3/31

Last Post Recap: Singles (3-7, -3.96U) Parlay(2-0, +4.77U) BBDLS (0-2, -5.5U)
Recap: Not the best day. A few singles missed by 1. Kanter failed to live up to what was expecting. I still feel he is going to be a big piece of their playoff run and future. Still ready to crush a BBDLS! I didnt post yesterday. Honestly I played poker until 4am Fri night and slept until 2pm Sat. Also, I was banned from the sportsbook sub for posting my picks in the daily nba thread? I messaged the mods to ask why but no reply. I am going to assume its because I posted a link to this sub at the end of my analysis every day? But that would be weird because I add (in my opinion at least) some of the better content in that daily thread. Also, I have never asked for money (even though I have had pms offering donations or advising me to start a service and charge) and there are tons of users, losing users, who continuously post external links and pay for picks links yet I get banned with no explanation other than "excessive self promotion" lol. Anyway, I was going to finish out the NBA season and consider switching to MLB to see if my algorithm can translate to that sport after doing extremely well in NFL and translating fairly well to the NBA. But, if I do that I will probably post solely in this sub or maybe create a website because when I have posted my vlog in the poker sub (99 percent crap memes and shitty analysis of the game) i get banned because you cant share yourself with the community, only your shitty memes...and when i post legit content to the sportsbook sub (mostly shitty advice from break even/losing gamblers, no offence) I get banned. So if you're reading and following along with the analysis and picks, make sure to check back here for new content. Its already afternoon on Sun so Ill skip the early game, lets find some value!

DAL/OKC: Dal has been putting up some fights lately. There season is done but they are doing their best to see what the young guys have to offer for next season. OKC has flip flopped their last 4 both winning and losing at home and away. I could see OKC opening as a favorite. 5, 7, even 9.5 if sharps saw them as a blowout...but 12.5?! How? Yes, the last time these two met OKC won by 20 at home. But the way each team has been playing lately I could see DAL covering such a big line. Shoot, I could see DAL winning a 2 point game with a Donic last second shot.***Wait, just read Donic is out. I could see many OKC blowouts now :P***

LAL/NOP: Now that the playoff pressure is off, LA has been playing pretty well with wins in 3 of their last 4. NO also got an upset of the Kings in their last outing but other than that are meh. I know I said I was done with LA after their playoff miss, but now I kinda like the vibe they have going with 0 pressure. This would feel like a game to take over for me but Im getting somewhere in the 230-235 range and thats too close. Maybe if it was 230 or below I would take over. Bron out. AD, Q. I dont have a line for it, but i would look at Popes points total over if you have it.

SAC/SAS: SAC off losses in 3 out of their last 4. SA also with a bit of a struggle going 2-3 in their last 5 after beating the warriors. I love the spurs to continue to assert the Defensive will at home but 11 is a lot of points to fade. If there is someone to cover one of the bigger spreads tonight I would put my faith in SA at home vs some of the other big spreads today but still 11 is a lot...

WAS/DEN: WAS is done for the season in terms of post season chances. However, they are still playing the starters and trying to compete. For how long though, who knows? DEN has flip flopped in their last 5, but their 2 losses were both on the road. This game to me just comes down to how bad WAS wants to compete. They can easily play their starters, compete in the game and keep it close...but i have a feeling its more likely the Joker dominates the middle and carries DEN to an easy win.

CHA/GS: CHA has been playing well lately with wins in 4 of 5 (3 over playoff teams). GS has been up and down lately with two dominate performances and 2 weird losses. I view this game exactly like the DEN/WAS game. CHA totally has a chance but its up to them to play starters and fight. I think DEN has a better chance at a blowout, but this game has a better chance to hit the over as there is less blowout potential.

MEM/LAC: MEM has been struggling going 3-3 recently and they are playing a b2b tonight. The Clippers also playing a b2b but have the luxury of playing home home and they went into yesterdays 4th Q with a 10 point lead carrying them into an easier victory than MEM. Still, 9 points is a lot here. I know MEM isnt playing for anything and LA is trying to catch UTAH for better playoff seating but still, 9/9.5 is a lot of points. Normally I would love the over in this matchup but double b2bs has me skeptical.

Today's Singles (Overall Total: 213-203-2, +53.07U) All bets without a wager listed are 1u @ -110

Basic Parlay(35-58, +25.77U) and BIG BOY DADDY LONG SHOT PARLAY (2-46,+2.25U)

Thanks for reading, Good luck all!
submitted by CreateYoureReality to CreateYoureReality [link] [comments]

Miami & The Mavericks: Two franchises cross paths once again.

The Miami Heat & the Dallas Mavericks, two teams, currently wading through what you could call the final iteration of the once mighty titans who battled it out in the 2011 NBA finals, now find themselves in a similar position once again. Ironically, this time they battle on the other end of the spectrum
In the aftermath of the 2011 finals, it would’ve been difficult to predict that these two teams would cross paths in the fashion they find themselves now, especially so soon.
For Miami, things weren’t supposed to go like this (Don’t get me wrong, Miami was wildly successful & no one will tell you otherwise). Despite a slight derailment in their first go at things, 2017 should be the year Miami goes for the 6th of 7 titles in a row they’re going to bring Miami. LeBron will probably still battle the incumbent western conference powerhouse this June, but it won’t be in South Beach. Miami had an awful turn of luck dragging them from great, down to good, then up to really good, then down to not good, then all the way down to where they find themselves today. The real tragedy of Miami’s situation is that there really isn’t anyone you can fault. This team should AT worst be a Dragic, Richardson, Winslow, Bosh, Whiteside team with Tyler Johnson Old man role Wade & a few others coming off the bench. That team is likely at least the 4 seed in the east right now. At best, Lebron doesn’t get homesick, the Heat still hit the Whiteside lottery & the Heatles get the super center they imagined when Greg Oden had signed originally.
Problem is, thrombophilia doesn’t care what ‘should happen’, anti-factor Xa injectable anticoagulants don’t care that there’s a game at 4pm tonight, followed by a cross country flight, followed by a 9pm game tomorrow night with another cross country flight after that.
We can control our health, we can only do our best to maintain it & plan around it. I feel awful about the fact that Chris Bosh is in the situation he is in, the man is going to have to battle this for the rest of his life. The league lost a top 15 player, & as a franchise has fallen hard as a result of this precipitous situation.
Now the Heat find themselves in the reality of our 2017, and a team who started out the season as one of the worst in the league who has since propped up that dreadful start with an NBA leading winning streak, led by an unlikely cast of characters, starring possible renaissance revival candidate Dion Waiters (who may actually be a reincarnation of, ironically enough, Dallas Mavericks OJ Mayo.) The hard question this winning streak brings up is: which face of this Jekyll & Hyde act is the real Heat? The reality of the situation is probably somewhere in between, which puts the Heat somewhere between 10th to 7th in the East, also known as no mans land. Advanced statistics support this as well, Goran, Waiter, Whiteside as a 3 man unit have been bad together, but multiple permutations of 2 man combinations of those 3 have been very good on the court. The combination just doesn’t have a lot of synergy together. Add onto that the high probability of Mayo Waiters getting an overpay this offseason by a team looking for a young bench scorer & it becomes even harder to imagine this team sustaining this high of a level of play with its’ current core. The converse to that arguement however is health. Josh Richardson, who looked like an absolute star in the making last season has been dealing with knee & foot injuries all year while high draft pick Justice Winslow has apparently signed up for the Marcus Smart health plan for Rookies & Sophomores. Richardson & possibly Winslow (if his shot ever stops being a liability) would surely prop up the Heat & sure up their defense.
There is A LOT to like about the Miami Heat as we’ll see soon. But things aren’t exactly smooth sailing back to the top.
For the Dallas Mavericks, the writing was clear on the wall, a 3 seed team in a young and upcoming conference being dragged through the playoffs by a twilight superstar in his last throws,a hodge-podge of 3 point sharpshooter who got hot at just the right time & a few diners club card holding stars trying to give it one last go before the move to Boca.While the precipitous decline of the Dallas Mavericks could have been predicted with quite a high degree of accuracy, the too were dealt their fair share of god awful luck. The flashpoint for that luck will be tagged by many as June 29, 2015. While the DJ chronicles no doubt set the franchise back a huge amount, the rotten luck in the gamble on Chandler Parsons indirectly negatively influenced just about every event that occurred afterwards. These two unfortunate turn of events led the Mavericks to clogging up their books with players like Wes Matthews & Deron Williams, & trading away great young talent & picks for the likes of post ACL repair too smart for the NBA Rajon Rondo. All in an attempt to give Dirk one last score, to allow him to go out more like Tim Duncan& MJ, less like Kobe or worse, Pierce. Now they find themselves in this strange situation we see before ourselves today.
Like the Heat, The Mavericks started the season out very poorly and have propped up those numbers by lighting on fire in the past few weeks, also like the Heat, they’ve been propped up by an unlikely cast of characters, starring a guy who couldn’t stick on the Brooklyn Nets roster. The Mavericks young guys also come from very low pedigree. Outside of Harrison Barnes, who is likely the best player on both teams, their next highest drafted player was non-lotto pick Justin Anderson.
While the Mavericks seem to be in a very similar position to the Heat right now, there are a lot of subtle intricacies that make the paths these two will take back to the top fairly different.
Before I jump into the nitty gritty, I’m going to lay out the situation a bit more clearly

Miami Heat

Depth Chart
538 projections
BBallRef projections
  • The Miami Heat will very likely be applying for special injury exception in the next few months or so(as outlined here), which will pull Bosh’s money off the books and instantly reopen a huge amount of space for Pat to play with, if he so chooses.

Dallas Mavericks

Depth Chart
538 projections
BBallRef projections
DIRK RETIRING* or opting out:
  • The strong possibility of Dirk retiring (or opting out) this offseason which takes his contract commitment off the books & allows the Mavericks a not so insignificant amount of cap space to play with. Dirk can then hang 'em up, or resign a 1 year max deal after that allowing Dallas to add a big time free agent & Dirk to get yet another big pay day.
U25 Player Ranking:
  1. Barnes
  2. ---
  3. ---
  4. Richardson
  5. Winslow
  6. Anderson
  7. Yogi
  8. Johnson
  9. Finney-Smith
  10. Brussino
  11. White
A note regarding this season, the 2017 draft, & 'tanking'
If you look at the middle 1/3 of the NBA standings you will note that it is incredibly packed, more so than it has been in a long time. The NBA middle class is thriving while there are fewer cellar-dwellers & contenders than there have been at any point this decade. Now, that speaks to the quality of the league to some extent, but it also shows that there is a very solid niche to be taken advantage of, should a GM jump at the chance. This draft is SOLID. One of the best drafts in years. & while the draft seems very deep, the top of the draft also looks to be amazing with as many as 5 franchise quality point guards & a few other very high quality wings that could serve as the ideal pieces to plug into a rebuilding squad. That is where these current, potentially unsustainable improvements in play hurt the Mavs & Heat (as fun as it is to watch). The top of the draft seems like it's filled with more surefire players while the middle of the lottery is filled with high ceiling potential projects & low ceiling peak role players.
Unlike the playoff race where the in at the beginning of the season are far less important than wins in the later months as things get tight, wins&losses in the first half of the season often play the most important role in determining lottery odds because good teams are more prone to give up bad losses that they wouldn't otherwise sacrifice come crunch time.
These winning streaks are a blast to watch right now. But they may come back to bite the organizations come May. Fultz/Smith/Jackson look like they may be franchise type players & while Bridges& Rabb look like nice pieces, they're certainly a downgrade.
While I may have painted a gloomy picture of these two franchises futures, there are lots of reasons to believe there is a bright light at the end of each teams respective tunnel.
Both teams are fortunate enough to possess great leadership from ownership all the way down to head coach. As long as Mickey Arison, Pat Riely, Erik Spoelstra, Marc Cuban(despite all his eccentricities), Don Nelson, & Rick Carlisle are all kept in place, you can bet things will be looking up sooner rather than later. Now that is no guarantee to be sure. Pat Riley is 71 years old & could retire at anytime, Carlisle is arguably the best coach outside San Antonio & following the Doc Rivers model is not too far outside the realm of possibilities, & despite a strong track record, his insistence in putting his fingerprints all over his franchise coupled with his eccentricity& lack of real basketball expertise could lead Cuban into making Ranadive/Larry Lucchino moves without strong management to call him on his decisions.
On top of great management & ownership & coaching (which is an incredibly rare combination for a team to possess) Dallas & Miami also have a few more cards up their sleeves that few franchises possess:
  • Warm Weather
  • A night life
  • A big market
  • No income tax
  • See point 3
These are huge free agent draws, especially 4, these teams can essentially offer any player more money than many other franchises without effecting their cap & free agents can be assured that they’ll be placed in a stable environment with competent leadership, a paycheck, something to do at night, & a market to take advantage of.
Barring those (somewhat) unlikely GM/Coach flight scenarios I touched on above, these teams are in a good spot because of that. Look back at the bottom of the standings for the past decade or so, there is a STRONG correlation between frequency of appearance & managerial aptitude. Sure good management loses, but they seem to bounce back to a competent team fairly quickly, contrast that with more poorly run teams, they constantly appear in the mix for bottom 5 year in & year out.
Both teams also possess a nice mix of oldein their prime talent coupled with really nice young prospects. What this affords them is a modicum of flexibility. Sure they’re both locked into somewhat exorbitant contracts but both teams, depending on their willingness to compromise, have the ability to go young & build around their prospects or try to get some more (closer to) competition ready type players for a quick retooling.
I polled a lot of people on twitter trying to get a general consensus on how most fans felt about each organization going forwards,a vast majority said Miami had the clearer path, I'm personally not so sure it is that clear cut.
Now on the surface it looks like Miami is in better shape going forward, the have to good prime players that could yield a decent return as well as 3 very good prospects to build around. Contrast that to Dallas whose only real good talent is Harrison Barnes (who may be the best player on both teams, but still) & Wes Matthews on an albatross of a contract. Whether Justin Anderson is good or not remains to be seen, but in season 2 he is currently third at his position in the depth chart. Yogi has been a flash in the pan, but it remains to be seen if he is just this years New York Knicks Jeremy Lin, or if he’s the next Isaiah Thomas (or likely something in between). Finley-Smith & Brussino have both looked good enough to be players on this roster going forward, but neither have shown me that they belong in the Johnson/Richardson stratosphere. Winslow has been an interesting case, with likely the highest ceiling of any young player on either team, he has absolutely struggled with consistency, injuries, & shooting seemingly from the get go. At times he looks like he could be something very special, at other times he looks like a pure defensive wing specialist in the vein every fan in Boston/Carolina fears Smart/MKG may end up.
Where Dallas really recoups is picks, in that they actually own theirs. unlike Miami who has owed to Phoenix an unprotected first in 2021, and a top-seven protected first in 2018 which turns into a unprotected first in 2019 if not conferred, for the acquisition of Goran Dragic. Both teams own their picks in this upcoming deep draft class, & with a strong pick history, their odds are high that they’ll add another talented prospect this off season (with a potential mid to hi lotto pick), although the current winning revival both teams are experiencing may be counterproductive to the cause. Missing picks in 2017 could severely hinder the Miami Heats efforts to attempt a rebuild. Their best hopes in a rebuild are to try to recoup some of the value lost in acquiring Goran (which will be difficult to do) & thinking really hard about trying to move Whiteside for what should be a decent return. As I outlined above, Dallas is in a much worse spot concerning current assets, they have very little by way of talent to retool around & as far as movable assets to finance a rebuild Barnes(who I would not advocate moving), Matthews, Bogut, & DWill are all they really have.
There are a couple of general ways that each of these franchises can attempt to steer their respective ships. Obviously there are a thousand variations on a theme and gray areas between each category as 28 other teams fluidly change the landscape of the NBA in each passing moment, but the generalize themes lay a pretty solid ground work. They could also go out & make very bad moves (for example trading for Ibaka & signing Jeff green, Augusitin, Watson, & Biyumbo on a clearly very young team with a center) but I trust in the management of these teams enough to not believe that they would do such a thing. I am therefore going to only lay out smart(ish) plans. For an idea on the style check out my Wizards breakdown
*To start, I should say that both plans are predicated upon Chris Bosh being waived via the injury exception & Dirk Nowitzki retiring (or opting out) at seasons end. That clears up a lot of room for each team to work with.

Dallas Mavericks

Go young
The Moves:
Trade Bogut/ DWill (if possible) for literally anything young that you can get, if you can’t, let them walk Try to move Wes without giving up too much to do so. It may be incredibly difficult to move Wes & sitting on his contract won’t be the end of the world. But freeing up that money & minutes for the young guys should be the goal. Wes is exactly the type of player that a contender makes a desperate move to grab at the deadline in the next few seasons to try & sure up wing depth.
Potential Rotation:
Yogi/Wes Mathews (probably)/Finney-Smith/Barnes/Powell Curry/Anderson/Brussino/Mejri + this years pick & a few prospects from trades
The good: This team is YOUNG and there’s some solid pieces here going forward. Also future lottery picks may come up big here.
The bad: This team is particularly bad. There are no real big men here & Barnes is the only player with real flashes of star potential to be seen.
Go young(ish)
The Moves: Same as above but, with much more focus on moving Wes, even if it means moving prospects to get teams to bite. -this has the dual benefit of opening up a ridiculous amount of cap space and greatly increasing this years lottery odds.
Potential Rotation:
Yogi/Monk/Barnes/Powell/Noel Curry/Anderson & bench depth
The good: This team is good again right away, probably getting better with time too. This is probably my personal favorite as the Mavs don’t really lose anything other than pick equity, they compete immediately & have an improving team going forward.
The bad: This free agency class is pretty weak & Dallas will probably have to overpay to get any real additions to their roster that fit their age window at all.
Go (crazy) young
The Moves: Same as go young, but trade Barnes for prospects as well
Potential Rotation:
Top 3 point guard from draft/ Anderson/ Finney-Smith/ top prospect from trade/ Powell Bench of a mix of current players under contract & young guys you make bets on + picks.
The good: This team should get some very good prospects out of the deal, teams like Boston( who loved him early on & even tried to move Pierce for him straight up allegedly) or Denver would likely shell out for a player like Barnes. Also again, lottery picks
The bad: Congrats guys the Nets are no longer the worst team in basketball.

The Heat

The Moves: Ride together, die together
Potential Rotation:
-Dragic/ Waiters/ Richardson/ Player signed with Bosh money (Ibaka?)/ Whiteside -Tyler Johnson/ Winslow/ this years pick/Ellington/Reed/White
Congratulation the future of your franchise now rests on the shoulders of Dion Waiters
The good: This team will at least be fun to watch (maybe in a Bulls/Knicks/Kings kind of way?) Also signing someone like Ibaka, who may be the most similar player in the league skill set wise to Chris Bosh, allows you to replicate the team that Pat Riley probably originally envisioned.
The bad: You probably just overpaid Dion Waiters, so, your team rests on Waiters, older Tragic, & Whiteside from here on out Also you’re blocking 2 or three of your best prospects from the court going forward, so you may end up trading them for an in their prime forward.
Go young
The Moves: Try to recoup what you can for Dragic, dangle out Waiters & Whiteside see whats on the table
Potential Rotation: -(Smith/Monk/Isaac/Jackson/Tatum)/ Tyler johnson/Jrich/Winslow/Whiteside -Ellington/Reed/White
The good: This team gets a little bit of the best of both worlds, picks, youth, & a huge trade chip in Whiteside going forward because there isn’t a huge rush to move him after this season because the Heat don’t own their own picks. This also opens a lot of space for the Heat to try to hit on a free agent in the next 2 offseason
The bad: Whiteside might keep their heads above water & tank their pick this season & may significantly hurt his trade value if he regresses.
Go (crazy) young
The Moves: -Move Whiteside, Dragic, Waiters, for as much value as you can get tank & take advantage of the pick that you do own
Potential Rotation:
-(Smith/Monk/Isaac/Jackson/Tatum) / Tyler johnson/Jrich/Winslow/Reed/White
The good: This team digs themselves out of their equity hole, has a fun young team with a bunch of chips going forward
The bad: This team won’t be good unless the player they draft this year is a hit right away. Without those picks they sent to Phoenix, they’re essentially trapped in the same hole Brooklyn currently finds themselves digging out of.


So I started this article by outlining the seemingly incredibly similar situation these two teams have found themselves in yet again after clashing in 2011. In ending, I have shown that, while on the surface their situations look incredibly similar, if you dig a little deeper you can see that these two paths are likely going to diverge quite radically yet again in the not so distant future.
As I had said, I had talked to a lot of very intelligent people about which team had the clearer path & brighter future going forward & resoundingly ‘Miami’ was given as the answer. I however am not so sure. Miami most certainly has more options going forward as a re-up is easier & results in a better team than anything Dallas could cobble together this offseason, & Miami probably has better prospects currently than Dallas does. But Dallas controls their own destiny in a way that Miami does not, Dallas has multiple draft picks going forward, the best player on both teams & in having less options, they also have less chances to make huge mistakes & get trapped on the treadmill of mediocrity.
But who knows, maybe both teams will elect to follow the same path & maybe they’ll lock horns again in the 2021 NBA finals.


Dirk Article Bosh Article (Ryan Bernardoni)(aka @dangercart) WIZ ARTICLE BROOKLYN ARTICLE
Edits & Notes by: @SamSheehan , give him a follow on Twitter
submitted by RickRossSteakSauce to nba [link] [comments]

CreateYoureReality NBA Analysis and Picks 3/20

***Wow! Huge day for parlays! 4-0 for +23.5 Units!!**\*

Last Post Recap: Singles (5-4, -1.1U) Parlay(4-0, +23.5U) BBDLS (0-1, -1U)
Recap: This was quite the interesting day. I wish I made more spread picks and less prop picks in my singles because almost every game went as highest predicted. The two saving graces, MIN and BK coming through in the end. MIN losing by 10 in garbage time covered a 4U win and BK coming back from down 20 all game to not only cover the spreads but win outright was a really nice thing to wake up to this morning. Draymond was a layup away from covering, Collison sat so his bets were returned. Myles did not perform like we were hoping but overall a great day!!!

It is noon now. I have a 10 hour day of poker ahead of me as this is my Monday. I will try to research at the table and make a few picks but most likely todays article will be on the lighter side. Congrats to everyone that tailed me yesterday in the parlays and good luck on a huge slate of games today!


MIL/CLE: MIL off a win without the GF but on a back to back. CLE off an upset win over DET and some rest. An interesting one to me that I would say dont bet until gametime. If the GF is back I say MIL all day. But if he sits and Love, Nance and Thompson all come back, this could be a sneaky ml play. Take this information with a grain of salt because it is from 2 seasons ago and I currently dont have the capablilites to track it myself over this year or any other year. But essentially it says that +.500 teams on a b2b vs a -.500 team are about 60% but when the b2b team plays home than away their chances drastically drop. Now keep in mind this is a small sample size from a different season. But if anyone knows how to build an excel SS that can track this pm me, id even pay for it! **Article for Reference: *** (Sidenote DK has an odds boost promo tonight, MIL, UTH, and HOU to all win. Of those 3, I think MIL on a B2B without their star is the most likely to miss. Do they think they same and offer a boost on these three favorites?) This all comes down to the GF status IMO. Pay Attention.

BOS/PHL: BOS off a loss and some rest, PHL off a win and and on a B2B. PHL is hot right now and BOS D has been atrocious recently. But this is a game where my models spread matches the Vegas spread so Ill probably just wait and see what happens. I will say b/c of the BOS D recenty and the up tempo play of the 76ers I may look over in this game either PHL TT or the whole game.

NO/ORL: Wowzes this is a crazy line for me! This opened at 6.5 and has pushed allll the way up to 9 and its only 1230 in the afternoon. I know Holiday and Davis are ruled out but, damn! I cant tell if this is sharp movement and they think its going to be an ez blowout or if its just public looking at recent results. Again Ill probably fade the spread (or go with ORL) But if his game is played normally I could see it pushing over.

UTH/NY: The Jazz are rolling with 4 straight wins against crap teams. NY had the upset against the Lakers but went right back to who they are this year with a blowout loss. I think the Jazz continue to eat but 12 points is a lot.

HOU/MEM: Ugh, HOU is on fire and MEM is...MEM. But the stats project this closer to a 105-110 Kinda game rather than a hou destruction. Its weird, mem seems to lose to offesive teams but beat/play close the slower paced teams. I wouldnt be suprised with any of the outcomes here.

WAS/CHI: I have this pretty close to a PK and 229.5. Vegas is similar but favors WAS. Honestly, to me, this one comes down to two things. One, how does LaVine feel? When hes dropping 25+ against crappy Ds WAS has been pretty well lately but in his recent slump the team has slumped around him. This is another good spot for Baby Harden tonight. Fighting for wins against a poor CHI D. I dont have lines for it yet, but I would look at Lauri and RoLo for props.

MIA/SA: Spurs are on fire and MIA is on a 2 game win streak. The numbers have this around -3 and Vegas is -6 so Im gonna assume they are sticking with the hot hand that has been cruising at home.

TOOKC: TOR off a blowout win and some rest. OKC off a loss without Westbrook but hes back and rested. I have this at OKC -2.5 and Vegas is all the way up to -5. Just like the spurs I think they are favoring the home team.

DAL/POR: DAL off a tough OT home loss. POR off a stabilizing win. Both rested. Just like the previous two I have this at -8 and Vegas is -10. Gonna stick with the home teams.

Today's Singles (Overall Total: 162-144-1, +50.65U)

Basic Parlay(26-45, +11.56U) and BIG BOY DADDY LONG SHOT PARLAY (1-32, -8U)
Basic: ***Sidenote there is a promo this week, all parlays over 4 teams that dont have a -300 or longer if all legs but 1 hit, I get refunded my bet***

Sorry for such a small writeup today! Life stuff and you know, I do this for free in my spare time, haha.

Thanks for reading and good luck to all!
submitted by CreateYoureReality to CreateYoureReality [link] [comments]

CreateYoureReality NBA Analysis and Picks 3/19

Last Post Recap: Singles (8-5, +7.5U) Parlay(1-2, -4.24U) BBDLS (0-2, -1.5U)
Recap: Ayyyye! Back in the win column! Our biggest losers were props and biggest winners game plays. The opposite of how February was going. I guess I really lucked out yesterday when DraftKings only allowed me to put 4.5 Units on the Curry/Klay promo. I was going to put 10U on it!! I mean I was predicting an under for GS and a SA win with cousins out, but I thought that would lead to more 3 point shooting from Klay and Curry giving them easy opportunities to cover 15. Klay did go 4-9 from 3 giving us 12 points but he went 1-9 from everywhere else and didnt even make it to the free throw line for a total of 14 points Oh well! Blessed that DK saved us 5.5U!! :D
Small slate today, lets hop right in!

PHL/CHA: Hmm, PHL is on a 4 game win streak and is coming off an upset of the Bucks, On the road! CHA just finished up a 4 game road trip, 1-3. PHL is 3-0 against CHA this year, but has only won by a COMBINED total of 6 points... Embid is ruled out tonight for rest and everyone for CHA seems healthy except for Zeller who is also out. TP is also out, but he isnt much of a contributor anyway. Just looking at the records and H2H record you would assume philly is the favorite so why did this open at CHA -1.5? I know its flipped to PHL -1.5 but that seems like it would be due to public, not sharps. however... its still 11am so how many public bettors have made their wagers yet? This one is a little curious to me so ill probably just take the home team to get the upset if I decide to play it. I may wait until game time hoping the public pushes it up more in my favor. No lines yet, but if you play DFS I would look to Kaminsky to overproduce his Salary. Also, Marvin Williams is very under priced based upon his recent production and this might be a spot for him to get back to his numbers. The second time I look at this game I have trouble seeing CHA scoring 100. With the 15-20 points that they get from Zeller and TP gone they still need 25 from Walker and 20 from Williams and 15 from Kaminsky and a combined 40 from Lamb and Batum against a PHL team that is a PACE up spot for CHA, but only really plays poor defense against the C/pf position (which Embid is sitting from tonight) but Zeller isnt in to take advantage. That leaves Bismack and his biggest game was 11 pts 4 rbds against the small interior of WAS. This has me leaning away from sides and more toward CHA TT. Also, I dont have lines for it but when Boban plays more than 20 mins for PHL he is a double double machine. He should get a ton of minutes tonight with Embid out.

HOU/ATL: HOU has been killing it lately (they did play close games against PHX and DAL) winning 11 out of 12. ATL is almost eliminated from playoff contention but is still playing each game with effort. I like HOU to win but ATL hasn lost by more than 7 in any of their last 8 home games. Im quite torn in this one. ATL is horrible at D and HOU should eat. But my model is telling me this is closer to ATL +3? Should be an interesting one to watch but ill probably stay away from the spread.

GS/MIN: GS was good and bad to use yesterday. They lost and went under their TT as predicted but fell one Klay basket short of a really nice day for us. They are on a road back2back and Cousins has been upgraded from out to questionable but is still expected to rest his ankle. MIN, on a 3 game losing streak, is slowly falling out of their playoff race as it looks like the Clippers aren't slowing down. Honestly I am leaning towards a GS win and cover. But there is a universe where I see MIN claiming an upset. If Cousins sits and GS puts up another poor offensive showing(which I think was due more to the spurs D than the GS O playing poorly) and KAT drops 40+, I could see MIN winning a low scorer. But Id say thats closer to 10-15% whereas GS WandC is more like 55%. There was news after last nights game of DG discussing the back2back but it looked like the news made it out to be more than he was talking about. "Draymond calls out the NBA" I have this as 105-111 So i am curious to see how it shakes out.

LAL/MIL: The Lakers have fully disappointed this month going 1-8. But, since beating the Lakers in LA at the beginning of the month, the Bucks have gone a very uncharacteristic 4-4. I have this one as MIL -9.5 so it looks like Vegas is slightly favoring the home team to hop back on track. I guess seeing LA lose to the Knicks has Vegas losing all confidence in them.

BK/SAC: BK is 0-3 over the last week recently losing a close one to the Clippers. SAC is having struggles of its own going 3-5 this month with TWO of those wins coming against the Knicks. I have this at -3 and Vegas has it at -3/4. I dont know why yet but if I can find a valid stat to back it up, I am really thinking BK SU here. Ill see what i can find.

IND/LAC: The Pacers are 0-2 on this 4 game road trip and are on a B2B. The Clippers are 7-1 this month and have their sights set on the playoffs. I have this one at -3 and Vegas is pretty close, favoring the Clippers slightly more. I agree with them as the recent trends show LA is the stronger competitor.

EXTRA: Draftkings has another alluring odds boost today. It is HOU and MIL to both win -200 replaced with (+200) odds. Again, this feels like a slam dunk, but DK is pretty good about putting up really enticing odds as a promo but rarely paying them. I think over the last few months I have bet an odds boost promo 5 or 6 times, only to be payed on 2. However, you are almost always getting + odds so I have yet to find out how profitable they are until i play a ton more. I am going to go with this promo tonight, but it does make me consider whom they think might get upset out of HOU and MIL tonight. I have the ATL line at +3 and Vegas is +7.5 usually that means they are balancing out for the sharps, but occasionally it means they are leaving themselves exposed in a spot where they favor the heavy majority of public money on one side. I may cover this play by hedging a ml parlay with either ATL or LAL. (EW I said stay away from LA, lol) ***bron and GF ruled out, may put in a late LAL parlay to cover my action on the DK promo***

Something else I have been looking into recently in my late night obscure NBA thoughts bubble is when Vegas changes the obscure lines like game to go into overtime. Its usually around +1400/+1500. But when they adjust it down to below 14 or above 16, does that reflect Vegas' algorithm saying the computer favors the underdog or favorite respectively? Its something Im going to keep an eye on just to see what happens. If anyone is curious, DK has CHA, MIN, and BK at +1300 while the others are between 14 and 15 with MIL game all the way up to +1900. Does the DK algorithm favor the underdogs in those matchups? Lets keep an eye on this as the season wraps up. Could be something to add into next years analysis.

Went with more props today. Not too many spreads I want to ride.

Today's Singles (Overall Total: 157-140-1, +51.75U)

Basic Parlay(22-45, -11.94U) and BIG BOY DADDY LONG SHOT PARLAY (1-31, -7U)
Basic: ***Sidenote there is a promo this week, all parlays over 4 teams that dont have a -300 or longer if all legs but 1 hit, I get refunded my bet***

Thanks for reading, and good luck to all! :D
submitted by CreateYoureReality to CreateYoureReality [link] [comments]

CreateYoureReality NBA Analysis and Picks 4/1

Last Post Recap: Singles (7-8, +3.27U) Parlay(0-1, -1U) BBDLS (0-1, -3.3U)
Recap: Yesterday was meh. I started out really well and finished horribly. All the 1.1 to win 1 bets were crap! lol, I mean 2 or 3 of them missed by 1 basket so that sucked but I think I put those in at the end of the day to add volume to the post. I should have probably stopped after the Joker props. it would have erased (1-6 for -5.6U) from the singles and given us a really nice day there. Fortunately I through in the Zion play that carried us to the positive in singles. I also had 5U on Mich. State +2.5 but since I didnt post that pick I wont include it in the win/loss. We have an extremely healthy slate of games today and I have a 5U free bet to use on DK that expires in 1week. Lets see if we can find somewhere to maximize.


DET/IND: DET is 3-3 in their last 6 but won their last two with wins over ORL and POR. IND has dropped their last 3 since upsetting DEN at home. Collison out. Griffin out (maybe for the season?) He sat out last game too and they beat POR. Normally with Collison out and Indys recent struggle I would side with DET and the points. But with Blake out and this game in IND, I think its a good opportunity for IND to right the ship before a very important game with BOS. Be careful though, as DETs last game with POR showed, the Ewing theory lives! :P

ORL/TOR: ORL is playing pretty well lately going 7-1. TOR 6-4 over the same stretch but doesnt reflect the teams overall skill as they have been periodically resting players for the playoffs. Everyone seems like a go for this one. I have Tor as -5 and Vegas has them at -7. Im not too sure about this one. ORL is up 2-1 in the season series and won the last time IN TOR 113-98. But in a lot of those games, starters were rested for TOR. Its a high price but ill probably look at Vu RBDs. Hes hit 12 every time these teams have met this year. (although most were before Gasol trade)

CHI/NY: CHI riding 4 straight losses. NY on 6 straight. Most of the bulls starters are sidelined. NY is trying out new players starting. I think ill avoid the spread in this one. However, there is something I do want to look at. Today is the Lopez twins birthdays. If I was a twin and both I and my brother played in the NBA. There is no doubt if we had our birthday on a day where we both had game, we would be competing to see who is the better twin :P So there is no data behind this besides what I would do if I were them, but i am looking at both in props today. Some supporting data to this is all the Bulls starters are out Lauri most importantly, giving Lopez many more opportunities. \*Ref assignments favor NY\*

MIL/BK: Annnnd right over to the other Lopez twin. MIL is on a b2b with an OT loss yesterday to ATL. BK coming off an ez home win vs BOS. MIL has so many starters that are Questionable ill either stay away or ride BK. The line has been switching so much over the 0 mark but I dont think thats really relevant for predictions here. No lines yet for me, but ill be looking at Lopez#2 props if they come out, especially if GF and Mirotic are out. \*Ref assignments have me looking BK\*

MIA/BOS: MIA 3-1 last week with a close loss to ORL. BOS is struggling going 2-3 last week. Although, BOS rested Horford and Irving last game so Ill probably side with the home team in this one. the spread is a little high for me though.

POMIN: POR of a loss to a Griffinless DET but played 5 games last week going 4-1 after losing their star center halfway through the week. MIN off a loss to PHL but played ok last week going 2-2 with a win over GS. Finally the thrid start for Kanter (the first game i didnt play him) he popped off for 20-15. This is a game I could totally see MIN winning so with the Vegas adjustment im not sure where I stand yet. \*Ref assignments have me looking MIN\*

PHL/DAL: PHL off a recent win vs MIN and went 2-2 last week. DAL playing a back2back off an upset win vs OKC yesterday (without Donic). Embid and Butler are out. Donic is listed as Q but will probably sit. DK has a prop for simmons to score 20 and phl to win (+180) with butler and embid out it makes simmons usage go up so he probably hits the 20 but if dk is making it an odds boost its likely their algos have this game closer to a pk. Will probably look DAL plb and maybe simmons or harris props.

CHA/UTH: CHA has lost their last 2 and got BTFO in their last game...last night...After that late night game they travel to UTAH, get who knows what kind of rest, and suit up again tonight. UTH went 4-0 last week and has been resting since FRI. The one bright spot for CHA is getting blown out last night. Most of their starters only played half a game and then rested because they were getting crushed. Maybe that rest will help them make tonight a game. I got -12 when I did my spread. If Vegas is the same or -11.5, they probably dont know how to adjust for everything I just mentioned and so they are letting the market decide on this one. Its confusing. May stay away unless someone has any interesting variables to consider that I have overlooked. Let me know what you think.

CLE/PHX: CLE went 0-4 last week. Maybe I should have used their 6 point loss to the Spurs as an indicator for last night spurs struggles. PHX also went 0-4 last week but Booker has been killlllllling it. Suns have a ton of players out (more usage for booker?!) CLE has Love listed as Q. Two shit Defenses, ill be looking at props for sure.

Today's Singles (Overall Total: 220-211-2, +56.34U) All bets without a wager listed are 1u @ -110

Basic Parlay(35-59, +24.77U) and BIG BOY DADDY LONG SHOT PARLAY (2-47,-1.05U)

Guys I went pretty big today. Tail with caution, my friends. Thanks for reading. Good luck all!
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CreateYoureReality NBA Analysis and Picks 4/5

Last Post Recap: Singles (off) Parlay (off) BBDLS (off)
Recap: Boy, sure glad I took the day off. Based on my for fun picks I would have gotten smoked again! glad we got that bad beat out of the way, lol. Time to start climbing the mountain. Lots of games today means one thing for sure: A lot more opportunities for opportunity! :D


TOCHA: Tor has been on a tear recently winning 5 in a row. Interestingly enough, their last loss came to none other than... The Hornets! In Toronto. I am not sure of the line here.. It looks like Vegas is heavily favoring TOR but Im not sure I can pass up the 6 points on the home team here when CHA should be playing starters the whole game and TOR has no incentive to push their stars.

SA/WAS: SA is 2-2 in the last week... WAS is also 2-2 in the last week with a win over DEN (the team that just demolished SA) but a loss vs CHI... WAS seems to be throwing it in. They were already eliminated from playoff contention but now they are reducing Beals minutes and letting some of the deep bench see some minutes. I kinda see this spread like the first one. Vegas obviously favors the playoff team vs the backups of a non playoff team...but, 7 points is a ton at home vs a spurs team that plays noticeably worse D on the road.

ATL/ORL: Outside of two 20 point home losses to HOU and POR, ATL's entire march was a pretty decent showing, upsetting Philly twice, UTH and MIL! However, all of those wins were at home. Orlando has been very hit or miss recently but are looking better than average as they seek to make the playoffs. These two face in this spot recently and it was a 10 point ORL win that went well under. I like ORL to win but 8.5 is a lot of points.

BOS/IND: BOS is 4-1 in the last week. IND is 2-3 with a loss to BOS in that strech. BOS does lead this series 2-1 going into this all important game with massive playoff implications for these two. Essentially they are fighting for home court advantage in a very likely 1st round matchup. The bright spot for IND is the home team has won all 3 of the match ups with these two this year.

DET/OKC: DET has been struggling as of late going 2-4 in their last 6. Most of that has been without BG. OKC came out big in their last game with RW putting up his second triple triple in his career. That doesnt hide the fact that OKC has had some struggles of their own going 3-3 in their last 6 and 7-10 in March. This one comes down to the status of him IMO. If he returns in a game in his home town I think 8.5 is too many points but if he is out, I could see OKC with a w/c.

NY/HOU: NY has gone 1-7 in their last 8 losing all those games by at least 8 and most by 10 or more. HOU was recently beat by MIL but has had 4 dominating wins since. Obviously I like HOU to win this game but 16 points is a lot in the NBA and who knows how bad NY's freshman will want to compete. Similarly, who knows how long HOU stars will play. Ill probably avoid the spread in this one.

MIA/MIN: MIA is coming off b2b hAh losses to BOS. They have been on the winning side of the coin recently but continue to struggle putting up 110 and rely on good D and/or poor shooting from their opponent. MIN is 3-3 in their last 6 and KAT keeps putting up double doubles, almost like it's his job...go figure. Im not sure who I favor in this one. Maybe Ill take MIN just because I think this is a coin flip game and they are +

MEM/DAL: MEM lost JoVal and with it all their rebounding and Center presence. DAL has been winning or losing by smallish margins recently and surprisingly put Luka back in and risked his thigh injury despite no benefit to them. Maybe they really want him to get Rookie of the year for next years PR? He should be rested tonight but who knows, maybe he plays 37 minutes, lol. Conley should be out for MEM. TBH, Ill probably avoid this game not knowing who is playing or for how long. Although, last minute if Luka sits, maybe MEM ml has value even though they are trending down. ***Side note, Dirk is dangerously close to breaking records in rebounding. Without JoVal and maybe Noah, If they offer his prop i may look there.

SAC/UTH: SAC has been a coin flip recently. UTH has been a force winning 11 of 12. I like the Jazz to keep it rolling but 10.5 is a lot to sweat. Ill probably avoid the spread in this one but may look for Gobert to eat some lunch.
NO/PHX: NO and PHX are essentially the same team to me.. a coin flip team on the bad side of the flips IMO. If either had AD or KAT or Cousins or even someone like Saikam they would be so much better. Neither play D. Ill wanna look for the over and props in this one but dont really care about the spread as it can go either way depending on who has the hot hand. Wait.. just read booker is out. Might just stay away all together except for JR props.

PODEN: Over the second half of March POR lost two key players but has continued to put up the wins. I have been saying I really like how Kanter is looking and really look for him to make some noise in the years to come. DEN has proven vulnerable going 4-4 in their last 8, even losing a home game to the Wizards. Im not sure if Ill take a side in this one but I am interested to see how these two teams match up. Even when POR had their starters they lost to DEN so unless Kanter can dominate the Joker I see this going Denvers way.

LAL/LAC: In the battle for LA I expect tonight to be a representation of the respective seasons for these two teams and the playoff bound clippers to come out on top. 11 points sure is a lot so I may navigate away from the spread.

CLE/GS: CLE has looked like the color of the browns uniforms while GS in their last 3 are starting to look like the team everyone was betting on over the off season. I like GS to win, but 16 is a lot of points when they may pull starters in the second half.

Today's Singles (Overall Total: 247-243-2, +42.68U) All bets without a wager listed are to win 1u @ -110

Basic Parlay(36-65, +15.41U) and BIG BOY DADDY LONG SHOT PARLAY (2-54, -11.21U)
Basic: \**Parlay insurance is back!****


I made a mistake early on making my parlay insurance parlays. The promo used to be games of -300 or better and after I made the first two parlays and the first BBDLS parlay I reread the terms and they changed them to -200 or better. So those three dont qualify like I thought they would initially.
Thanks for reading, good luck to all!
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CreateYoureReality NBA Analysis and Picks 5/6

CreateYoureReality NBA Analysis and Picks 5/6
Last Post Recap: Singles (2-6, -7.2U) Parlay (two still live) BBDLS (two still live)
Recap: -Yesterday was brutal. In reading my write up, it was clear I liked both underdogs yesterday...Why didnt I have an underdog moneyline parlay? I was also right about lowery and Tobias Harris being in big step up spots. Both delivered but Lowery missed everything by half a point. I swear...There was 1 minute left, the ball is inbound to Lowery, he dribbles across half court, passes to Kawai, who dribbles up to the three point line, around for a second and shoots, draining the three. Lowery had 7 assists and 27 PRA, 1 more assist has him hit both props. He doesnt get any credit on the scorecard. I read the rules on what qualifies as an assist and this was the most shocking thing about it " Also scoring motion is very liberally applied in the NBA. An assist is 100% subjective within the confines of that above definition. " Anyway, we didnt get the assist and that was a tough swing. Also, Green didnt really take as many shots as I thought he would. He needed 12 points, he ended up with 11...but 4 of those were free throws in the final minute so he wasnt on par. Again, the RLM and fading the public was correct in the DEN game...but the under was not, haha. I have been flipped on some very important totals these playoffs. Maybe I should look to bet those less.. I did have my parlay carry over from yesterday, both TOR and DEN 1Qs. Should be interesting to see what happens with tonights games!

Analysis: Ok, Before too much research, Im probably gonna go with the ref assignments tonight. Both home teams have all 4 refs with 55+ home team wins %. The HOU game even has some up in 60%+ range. If either away team has a chance at an upset tonight, its GS IMO. I dont think BOS losses two at home b2b in this post season.

MIL/BOS: I would imagine the 22 free throws from the GF was pretty key to the MIL upset in game 3. I feel like a second home game, in the garden...the refs let this game play. They let BOS interior beat up on GF and they probably also call a few fouls in Kyries favor when he drives to the basket tonight. I know Marcus Smart coming back is supposed to mean more defense, but I think it helps Kyrie and the offense more. If you look at the spread, its currently -1.5. Usuallly the half and quarter spreads are porportionate to the game spread. So you would think, at most, each half would be BOS -1, and each quarter, BOS -0.5. BUT its actually every single quarter BOS -1. Leading to a game spread of closer to BOS -4. I think im going to load up on BOS here. I think they are very primed to win...but, I think its going to be closer most of the time, otherwise the spread would just be -3.5. Id like to look at tatum, kyrie, horford, and hayword in props. There are no bets on hayword anywhere I can see. Horford is -160 or worse to make 2 threes and hes +110 to hit 17 points. with at least 6 projected to come from three point range and BOS needing him to step up with a big game, ill probably be looking his way.

GS/HOU: So This game has the makeup of the first game to me with a slightly more potential for a road win. It isnt huge, but this one is closer to 50/50 to me where as I see the BOS/MIL game as closer to 60/40. It looks as if Gordon and Capela are the two guys outside of Harden to see the most action, this postseason, at home. Man, Capela has no props that look appealing to me...I feel like he is going to go for 10-10 pretty often, but that doesnt hit either prop and a double double is -200. His PRA is 26.5, too high because he doesnt really assist. On to Gordon...His O/U for three pointers made is 3.5. He has made 3 or more in EVERY playoff game and is averaging shooting it 11 or more times vs GS...while being an almost 40% 3 point shooter. In another must win game, Im going to look to him to jack up the three ball and even though its high at -150, take him to make at least 4 of 12. (Because it is -150, instead of taking it as a single, I parlayed it with one of my favorite looks from the BOS game.) Something else I will be betting on is the HOU first half. HOU has won the first half at home in their last 10 home games. Yesterday I took GS -4.5 in the 1Q, it was my gamble play to boost the odds in that parlay. I dont expect that to hit more than 20/25% of the time so I am not worried about having opposite sides here. The last person I am looking at for HOU is PJT. His total on PRA is 17.5 He has hit it in 7 out of 8 of these playoff games. How do I not take him?!

Why is this spread down at 1? I really feel like GS is gonna win, haha. But I hope not!!

Today's Singles (Overall Total: 48-51, +2.51U) All bets without a wager listed are to win 1u @ -110
  • BOS 1Q -0.5 (5.5U to win 5U) (Every site had this at -1, found it on William hill @ 0.5)
  • BOS TT 110.5 Over (2.18U to win 2U)
  • Al Horford To Score First Basket (0.64U to win 5.1U)
  • Over 29.5 (Horford, Al) Points, rebounds & assists by the player (2.2U to win 2U)
  • Yes (Horford, Al) To record a double-double (3U to win 4.2U)
  • Jason Tatum 15.5 PTS and BOS win (2U to win 4.2U)
  • Kyrie 24.5 PTS and BOS win (2U to win 4U)
  • Over 17.5 (Tucker, P.J.) Points, rebounds & assists by the player (6U to win 6U)
  • HOU 1H -1 (2U to win 2.1U)

Basic Parlay(7-11, +68.31U) and BIG BOY DADDY LONG SHOT PARLAY (0-13, -20.97U)
Basic: \**Bets in Italics have already covered, bets in bold are still live****
  • SAS +13.5, PHL to win the series, HOU/GS Over 5.5 Games, BOS +2.5 Games (1U to win 9.6U)
  • TOR 1Q +1, DEN 1Q +5.5, GS 1Q -4.5, BOS -4 (1U to win 18.5U)
  • Over 8.5 Rebounds (Horford, Al) and Over 3.5 Three Pointers Made (Gordon, Eric) (6U to win 13U)
  • BOS ml and O219.5, HOU ml, PHL 4Q ml, DEN 1Q ml (1.5U to win 37.8U)

BBDLS: \** I was issued a 50$free bet on one of the sites I play on. I am using it to do a round 2 parlay****
  • HOU, POR, MIL, PHL All to win the series (5U free bet to win 185.6U)
  • TOR to win 4-2, BOS to win 4-2, DEN to win series, GS to win series (1.4U to win 334.4U)
  • BOS ml and O219.5, HOU/GS 1Half TIE, PHL 4Q ml, DEN 1Q ml (0.5U to win 123.25U)

Also, I trying out this whole twitter thing. I dont know why yet, but maybe it will be fun. If anyone has any tips on how or why to use it, let me know!
Link :
I guess this whole tipping things is a thing. Some readers have messaged me asking to get my analysis out sooner to which I replied, sorry dudes its a hobby. Then they said, get it out sooner and charge for it! And I said ehh, Im not that good yet, imo. So they suggested a tips jar to incentive me to put in the work for you guys. I shall try it out and see what happens.
  • Venmo: @whoAMeye
  • PayPal:
OR, if we had a big win...and wanna gain the Karma for your future bets, Donate to Charity!!
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NBA PROP BETTING PICKS  Awesemo OddsShopper NBA Prop ... DRAFTKINGS & YAHOO NBA PICKS  SUNDAY 2/9/20  NBA DFS PICKS Guys & Bets: Five NBA Picks and a Carabao Cup Pick Excellent NBA Player Prop Bets For Tonight's Spurs vs ... NBA Picks, Predictions and Odds  NBA Tip-Off for Thursday, January 30 Paulo’s Best NBA Prop Bets - YouTube NBA predictions and betting odds: More value with Melo prop

Bet the Prop is your home for prop bet analysis, content, and free picks, covering NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, Tennis, Golf, & EPL. NBA player prop bets are based on an individual player’s statistical performance during a particular game. Typically this will include one or more of the main player stats categories in points, rebounds, and assists. Most of these NBA player prop bets are in a Total, or Over/Under, type of wager format such as Lebron James to score over or under 28.5 points in a game. Things have gotten off to a solid 11-6 start so far in our NBA prop best bets after Monday’s 2-1 record. Anytime you can win two thirds of your bets, you’re in pretty good shape. Tonight, we have a 10-game slate, including a marquee doubleheader featuring a Milwaukee Bucks-Miami Heat playoff rematch to kick things off. The New Orleans Pelicans take on the Phoenix Suns as part of the late ... NBA Best Bets Tonight [Updated daily] TODAY'S TOP PLAYS JASON SHARPE has gone 19-6 (76%) on his last 25 NBA plays and is looking for more with a 7-Unit NBA Play Tuesday (8:30 p.m.) . Editor’s Note: We’re hitting 61% on NBA player props – – join our community today, up and get nightly NBA prop bets and more alert to your device! NBA Player Props Tonight (2/10) Hornets Forward P.J. Washington Under 20.5 PRA (-110 @ DraftKings) Playable to 19.5. Since returning from a foot sprain, Washington hasn’t looked healthy. CHECK OUT: Daily Expert NBA Picks. Best NBA Player Prop Bets Tonight. NBA Player Prop Odds Sportsbook; Bradley Beal, Over 30.5 Points -112: FanDuel: Patrick Williams, Over 0.5 3-Pointers -167: DraftKings: Kawhi Leonard, Double-Double +340: DraftKings: Odds current as of publication. 1. Bradley Beal, Over 30.5 Points (-112, FanDuel) Beal averages 33.3 ppg. In the last month, he’s scored at ... Welcome to NBA Voice, It is online news portals that provide the latest breaking news for NBA headlines, sports, scores, stats, standings, fantasy games. Now get the latest nba basketballs breaking news, live scores, player stats, standings, fantasy games news. FREE NBA PICKS TONIGHT. Here at The Midfield, we’ve been giving the punters around the world the highest quality NBA picks for over 6 years. Being one of the most difficult sports for betting, we make sure to gather a range of information, statistics and insights into each and every game, to make sure that each post that we release is geared towards finding each and every edge for bettors. Check out our Lobby for the best NBA Player Prop bets tonight! Create your own advantage by making your prop bets agains other users and not versus the house! We strive to offer the best NBA player prop bets tonight! Make sure to lock in your prop bets tonight on the #1 player prop betting website in the world! You must be 18 years of age or older to participate. Certain state limitations may ... NBA Player Prop Bets for Thursday, January 21st are here! This is my daily article breaking down the 3 best NBA Player Prop Bets to make each and every night of the NBA season. I’ll keep track of my record as the season progresses. Please check us out on Twitter @CallingOurShot for recaps and live updates.

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NBA PROP BETTING PICKS Awesemo OddsShopper NBA Prop ...

Paulo Antunes gives his bets NBA Prop Bets for tonight’s slate of games. #SportsBetting #OddsW... NBA analyst Monique Vag looks at the NBA pointspreads, Over/Under odds, and team and player props, giving you her best bets and NBA predictions for tonight’s action. Category People & Blogs Jordan Sharp is back with two premium prop betting selections from Bovada sportsbook for tonight’s Game 6 between the Thunder and Spurs. Click on the link to... Joe has a player prop for one of these two young stars. ... Joe has a bet on the Greasy Grizzlies tonight that follows a money making spot. ... Guys & Bets: Five NBA Picks and the FA Cup for Jan ... Eric Lindquist gives his top NBA prop betting pick of the night using OddsShopper.Awesemo’s NBA DFS & Betting Strategy + ToolsTop 2020-21 NBA Future Bets: ht... First look position by position breakdown of the 6-game NBA DFS slate on DraftKings and Yahoo for Sunday 2/9/20 🚨GET ACCESS TO MY EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON PATREO... Prop Bets for Super Bowl 2020 Super Bowl Start Time: 6:30 p.m. EST on Sunday, February 2, 2020 - Duration: 36:19. WagerTalk TV: Sports Picks and Betting Tips 5,461 views 36:19

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